Sampson-Mccasland Tech Candidates

We should extend Kellen and give him a pay raise while including a buyout in the new contract. I would make it for five years.

Wouldnā€™t that mean itā€™s a sellerā€™s market?

Not in my mind. Kellen would be the one buying and TT would be the one selling.

I donā€™t see why TT would go with an unproven head coachā€¦ No offense to Kellen, but heā€™s never had the pressure and responsibility of having the FULL program in his handsā€¦


I really hope kellen wouldnā€™t move his young family to Lubbock.

His wife, sister and mom look like houston is treating all of them very well.

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I know everyone is looking for the next good opportunity but the way Tech has treated Mark Adams who was the darling last year is really unbecoming of a decent university.

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The honeymoon was over when TeeTee lost its first 8 or 9 conference games not to mention the episode with the big transfer center.
Tech went fishing for reasons to fire him and ironically the Greatest Book ever got him.

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I personally donā€™t want him to go to Tech because I donā€™t think heā€™ll win big there for two or three years. If Kelvin were to retire when Kellen was in a down cycle thereā€™s no guarantee theyā€™d bring him back.

Kellen is not going to TTech. That bird is not flying. Wheww :nauseated_face:

The way Adams treated Tech beginning in the fall and continuing through the season was worse. He quit recruiting, ran off the donor base, skipped out on the team on a road trip to be with his honeypot, and a number of other things. Letting him resign and paying him $4MM was far from ā€œunbecoming.ā€

TT could back up the Brinks truck and Kellen would not go to Lubbock.


Finally a post I can put a " Like " to.

Itā€™s not a good fit for a number of reasons.

He cut his teeth on the tumbleweed wranglers, and then dump them and comeback to us when CKS IS READY TO RETIRE.

Hereā€™s my thought. I see absolutely No way that Kellen would do that to his Dad, Mom, etcā€¦ where the two would be put as adversaries against ea other. From a Coaching standpoint,competing in gms, Recruiting , twilight of Dadā€™s career.
Sorry, i just donā€™t see it. The Family atmosphere the Sampsonā€™s have built at UH is unique and not broken up easily.

Kellen will be the next HC at UH. My prediction is Dad retires at 70. So the 2025/26 season will be a transition year imo.

Thereā€™s always a 1% chance of happening, but that doesnā€™t mean it should have wings.

Should he just tell them upfront in the Interview process. :laughing::grin:
Not happening.

Iā€™d be going after Shaka Smart if I was TxTech.

He has a proven track record of winning, regardless of Conference, and Iā€™m sure heā€™d like to coach back in a P5, which would surely come with a significant $$$ increase.

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Marquette is a power program

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Lubbock is a tough sell.


Heā€™s got a high major job hereā€¦Kelvin wonā€™t be here that much longer