Sampson-Mccasland Tech Candidates

Honestly, they should get the coach from Tulane.

That guy coaches with a ton of passion. You can tell he really cares about his players and he’s done a nice job with that program, despite the limitations

Yes, but how many millions would you forgo in order to avoid that?

Anyone know about Kansas coach heart attack this morning?

I’m not assuming the Tech job is the only one Kellen could get. If he ends up in the same conference as Kelvin, the comparisons and expectations will be off the charts. I’m not sure I would want that. If he does, I can understand that and wish him well except for the games against UH.

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Until Ron emphasizes defense and rebounding the B12 will be a struggle for Tech under Ron

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He’d get better athletes in the Big 12.

Tulane is a hard school to get into

I saw some tweets that he was in the hospital…nothing about a heart attack. Hope he gets well soon.

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ron current roster in tulane is big 12 quality on a player by player basis… their enitre starting line up would be starters if they transferred to a p5
its his system…it wont work in a high major… tulanes current roster with sampson as coach is a top 10 team

IIRC they were talking about how red his face was on Saturday when they lost to UT during the broadcast…

Simply hoping head coach Sampson stays another 3 or 4 years. There are no guarantees and all bets are off when he retires.
Whether we win a title or not this 9 year ride has been a thing of beauty.


I was watching him when he lost at home earlier this season and he was a stroke color of red.

If we win it all in April, I could see Kelvin riding off into sunset and letting Kellen take over.

But even if we win this year, I know Coach Kelvin still has a lot more years in tank


i could see that if we were staying in the aac… no way he leaves kellen to fend for himself as we adjust to the big 12… he will atleast stay till next year even if he wanted to retire if at all anything to provide cover for kellen in case the adjustment is rough …


Or Kelvin goes to TTU and leaves UH for Kellen!

Its getting worse!! :roll_eyes:

Boo this man


Kelvin is working on getting statues of himself buult here on campus… He ain’t trying to eat tortillas and tumbleweeds for the next 5-10 years… :rofl::rofl::rofl:


Tech likes those coaches with quirky personalities. He would fit there culturally.

TT’s head coaching position is a buyer’s market. The last two TT head coaches: 1) left to coach a rival; 2) resigned for inappropriate references. TT needs to get this one right and is willing to open up the pocketbook to do it.