Merging boards

Yes, they have always been separated boards.


Just use ā€œLatestā€

Youā€™ll see all the latest posts from all the boards in one place.

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Organization is a good thought.

I think you sum it up in the phrase ā€œto each their ownā€. You and others have your way of browsing and organizing, and I and others have ours. Which one is correct is up for debate obviously.

You mention a good point in that several of you visit the baseball board daily. I (and others) donā€™t which was my point. If it was on a higher traffic board, more people might gain interest in following UH baseball. I would bet money that if it was on the football board that the baseball threads would get more views and exposure for the team. I donā€™t prefer to jump around for example thus I donā€™t see the baseball stuff.

I see forums like TexAgs that have enough visitors to justify each forum having enough threads to be separate. Others like LSU have a mixed board on TigerDroppings, and it seems to work well. UH still needs to build a bigger following, and my support of mixed is to help the casual fan get more exposure easily without jumping through hoops.

So far your the only one to offer any reason for separate boards even though several seem adamant about not mixing sports.

Worse thread of 2023 thus far. Not sure if it can be topped.


I donā€™t know about that. Did you see some of the threads that were started in the basketball forum after we lost to Miami?

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Specific sections are there for a reason.

If you are so concerned about driving traffic to other sportsā€™ boards, post a link in the football forum at the beginning of each season. Problem solved.

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They will be on page 3 in short order, thus a waste of time.

@92010Coogs which you do not specify.

Appreciate all the feedback. This will make for good discussion in class Monday night when discussing human behavior in making changes (I teach UI/UX). People do not like change. Even when it goes against growth or other potential benefits.

FYI. I have been to more TCU Menā€™s tennis matches than UH baseball games directly related to building interest on the forums. If person has to make more effort for something they are not actively trying to do, then they wont do it. Similar concept when you go shopping for a laptop online and they show accessories like cases on the pages. Because if a person is not actively shopping for a case, they will not go to the case pages. Next time people complain about how to build interest from casual or potential fans, this is one thing that people here can actually do - build interest in multiple sports.

No. Not because Iā€™m against change. I like to select which forum Iā€™m in the mood to read. Lately, itā€™s football because thatā€™s whatā€™s next on the agenda. For example, Iā€™m one of about 4 people who read Academic Excellence occasionally. Occasionally thereā€™s good stuff.


It is flawed to say those that want things to stay the same are afraid of change.

You say it goes against growth or future benefits.

That is nothing but your opinionā€¦ā€¦I have seen many merged boards that I left with a damn headache.

Why are we not allowed to say we like the boards as is?
Iā€™m not afraid of change, but i am against change just for the sake of change.

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No to merging boards!!! :slight_smile:

I like the structure the way it isā€¦ is something really big happens it is okay to post across forums.

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Hey I have an idea. Letā€™s fix something that isnā€™t broken.


Merging the boards


football and basketball should be separateā€¦ makes zero sense to merge thoseā€¦

it would actually have the opposite effect, all other sports would be drowned by football and basketballā€¦ there would be no space to talk about the other topics ā€¦ the idea of talking about a baseball recruit in the mist of a dana loss would be impossible

the solution would be to make it acceptable to occasionally post about big event in other sports in the football and basketball one (like we did for the women aac tournament )ā€¦ or an idea is maybe make a pinned thread in the football board for news in other sports (a place to make announcements of other sporting event news that need attention), while still having their own board, to talk things that arent urgent

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The question remains, americas greatest game, ā€œAm i Clicking Cougar Baseball or Am I Clicking Cougar Basketballā€? Only one way to find outā€¦
Truly the schrodingers box of coogfans.

ā€œWorse thread of 2023 thus far. Not sure if it can be topped.ā€

No itā€™s not.



No idea CDH was on here.

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Merging boards is a dumb fukin idea.