Merging boards

I’ve tried to put other sports on here and it gets ignored lol.

Some sports won’t get a lot of postings in the thread, but it can spread awareness. I don’t follow tennis really at all, except TCU tennis. That is only because a poster stated a single tennis thread for each season that gets updated, and I can follow easily. I post only a little on it, but now I check stats and scores for TCU tennis matches, which I never did before.

I can also talk tennis with my nephew who plays in high school. He can now check up on TCU tennis. Thus it spreads just a little without really any extra effort on anyone’s part.

Also with tennis in the thread title, those that don’t want to read tennis do not have to click.

It does not have to be about making each sport as popular as football or basketball, but it can improve visibility a little to build more athletic awareness as a whole. Especially at a time like now when there is no live football or basketball to discuss.


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You have to go out and hire a personal trainer. Lift weights, run for miles. And then it all comes down to the defining moment when you put it all on the line.

Click on Cougar Baseball.
Click on Cougar Basketball.
Click on Other Sports.
Click on Lady Cougars.
Click on Golf and Track.

You’ve scaled the highest mountain. You da man.


Why is it so bad to merge the boards?

I’ve given an example of where it can be a positive.

Are you kidding, all over Houston lanes close from 10:00pm to 5:00am for construction.

Freeway don’t get above 30 mph during the day

A big, fat NO!

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Should have included “due to lack of use and/or permanently”.

Might as well. Some posters just post stuff on here that belongs on other sections like lady sports or in the satellite. They just slap a big OT to start off with, followed by an explanation of since the football section gets more views.

Why is it so hard to click on the board you want to?


Progs only forum. He’s not allowed to post anywhere except there.


This is simple, go to “Latest”


Merging forums is a terrible idea.

It’s great to start with the menu of forums. It’s only one more click to reach the forum of current interest , football, basketball, etc. See: Coogfans

I love to read the Academic forum. It helps to keep informed of UH’s academic progress, such as progress toward AAU. Every UH fan should contribute and read that forum.

It also reminds of forums available.

The current design is great.


Answer a question with a question. I will answer yours even though you did not answer mine.

As mentioned, it is hard to read the menus due to poor design when I am on the phone just catching up, so it becomes more work for a quick update of news. Next it becomes more than a click as you have to open the menu, scroll through and guess which one you want, then click on it, then repeat for each other sport.

Really it is not about “the click”, it is not really about diehard fans, but the casual person who is looking in on UH sports. There are threads on here regularly on building the fan base, but telling people they have to search around more to find something of interest is counter to that goal. I look at lots of forums for different schools, and I glance at them then if I don’t see threads of interest, I move on to a completely different site.

Also traffic on this overall board is not that high. As of typing this, there were only 3 threads used today in the baseball forum, 0 in women’s sports, 1 in golf/track and field, and 1 in other sports. 5 total threads in non-football, non-basketball for sports. total. That warrants clicking through to 4 other forums?

I do expect this to be a moot point soon as all the NO people will probably have a stroke or heart attack because there is currently a gymnastics thread on the football forum.

Still looking for reasons to keep them all separate?

Personally I like coming to the football board to read the latest Fred Couples golf news. Makes a lot of sense to post that on the football board.

Edit not hating on boom boom. He is a legend and one of my favorites.


Sometimes I just want to check in on Coog ultimate frisbee and I don’t know which board to go to. MERGETHEBOARNDS!!

Or Like I hear a rumor that Yngwie Macadangdang Jr is jumping to the portal… I don’t want to spend 45 minutes tryna find the hack board MERGE!!

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I think it is very organized the way it is.

I know what board I want to check, I go to that board. I have seen other boards that are merged and they are a mess.

I don’t get how it’s a problem.

But to each their own.

And there are several of us that frequent the baseball board everyday….

Moaning and groaning because someone brought up adding gymnastics as a sport? So freakin what….I can’t believe that triggers people……all the mods have to do is move it if it’s that damn big of deal.

And I only access the site from my phone….you guys are just griping to gripe.


Excellent point Dan!

The setup is fine, but there should be multiple mods per forum to merge threads that discuss the same thing. We get a lot of duplicate threads when news breaks and those second and third threads never get locked down to force the convo into the primary thread.

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