Dana Post game Presser

Why aren’t UCF, BYU, and Cincy repeating this stuff?


Cincy loss to Miami of Ohio and OSU got skewered by S. Alabama at home 33-7 Big 12 is looking weak

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People were actually praising Holgorsens recruiting last winter on here. It wasn’t good & this roster is basically a bunch of cast offs put together.


Blockquote Dana was hired to first get UH into a P5 conference. He and Pez worked recruiting and schedule to get good records to get the invite. Mission Accomplished.

No. The Exact Opposite. This is why he left WVU because he felt that the Big 12 was way too hard and nobody was going to be able to consistently beat Oklahoma, UT or OSU. He figured AAC would be a much easier route and the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to him…he was drug back into the Big 12.

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Well we have to take drastic actions.

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Credit to rtcoog for finding this ……but it tells you all you have to know about Dana……dude is a snake oil salesman and always has been ……kudos to him for pulling this multi-million con.


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That statement alone should justify Pink Slip Monday !

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In case anyone of the three of the pro Holgerson crowd did not see it.

I would love for one of them to even have the stones to defend what Dana said at this presser compared to what he said a month and a half ago.

I guess Duarte did not have the guts to call him on it the other night.

On the other hand, the PAC-12 is looking great. Funny how that worked out.

This is what’s behind the table at a Holgo presser.



There is no way to tell our talent level as the coaching staff is so damn bad !!

I exclude the D Line coach and special team coach as their guys seem to play hard.

There seems to be confusion on all other fronts !

If you had a son and DH came to recruit, would you be impressed ?

I think we definitely have athletes who can compete in the Big XII. My point is the one you just made. It’s hard to tell with how bad the coaching is. But a good coach could make this team shine with the current talent.

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Not surprised.

:joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

Incredulous GIFs | Tenor

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For the love of all that is good and holy, would someone in authority please put the offense out of everyone’s misery. Install the veer for the rest of the year. Don’t care as long as we don’t have to observe another down of what the offense has been doing. Watching it as a diehard Coog has become like:
