According to Kendall Rogers, Whitting

TW is an alumni….they aren’t “doing what is right”.


Exactly what was meant by my post!

Everything nowadays is more just about money. I read TW’s buyout is $325,000. So add that to the $750,000 you would have to pay a new coach plus the $4,000,000 we’re paying Dana plus the $6-7,000,000 payroll for basketball and unless some wants to start writing some big checks, we are where we are for a while.


A new coach isn’t getting 750k.

And each sport needs to be looked at individually based on performance.

We have 3-4 sports right now that are embarrassing….not just bad, but horrible and not a good look for the university.

Not one of these programs is going to improve unless the staffs are changed.

If that can’t be done because of Dana’s buyout then it comes down on Pez….you guys can shout Fromm the rooftops that it’s Tillman who “made Pez” give the ridiculous extension all you want….But the blame is on Pez. I personally don’t think Tillman forced this on Pez….Is Tillman paying for any of the buyout? From what I have heard it is other donors that had to step up to get Dana out.

If it was Tillman then Pez should have no problem going to him and saying we need to get these coaches out of here and get these programs moving forward……right now it makes UH look like a poor hobo that doesn’t belong inside the club….we aren’t talking about just one sport here.
I’ve been a UH fan for 40 years and a supporter for about 20 years….I didn’t think UH would ever get in a P-5……we finally did and we act like we don’t belong……

In this order:

Women’s Volleyball

Changes need to be made yesterday, or really at least two years ago.


*Women’s Basketball

Coach Rehr probably reading the board wondering WTF.


Would $750k/yr be about right for the entire staff? No clue what D1 assistants make.

Yes, thank you for fixing!

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My position is more aligned with the idea that hiring alums or people who have worked here before (Dana) creates a co-dependency among donors. You have important people among our boosters that have friendships and relationships with these people that create resistance when they under-perform.

Case in point. When the idea of Kliff replacing Dana was floated I know of two valuable boosters who were heavily in favor of bringing him back. I don’t know that they called Pez. That guy (Kliff) was an abomination on defense and would have replicated the same results here. And we would have kept him 2-3 seasons too long when the B12 stomped an ever-loving mudhole out of us. Simply because of feels.

But I’m a run-first person so maybe I can’t be trusted.


We have more NIL funds than you would tbink!

Pez is the person responsible for this crap we have on campus right now. I dont know how avyone could see it differently, but if you do, please feel free to take an economics class at the university.

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My point was that NIL funds aren’t in any way what ails the baseball program. We could probably double the money without seeing much improvement.


If he is responsible for this crap then he needs to be replaced also


Even the BN Bears had Chico.

I stil see this jersey & black version at MLB Spring Training.

They will never spend the $ on an upgrade due to a financial mess he created.
Don’t think that was in anyway a method to his madness but its reality now,


Did you know a future/ now former UH diver was in that movie? That’s her on the right. Can you name her?


I actually prefer Breaking Training to the first one.

Most of us from Houston probably do as we all dreamed of playing in the dome.

Still can’t believe Enos and Bob were shut out of Best Supporting Actor that year.

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It is always about the money.
Tillman cannot be asked to bail out every program at UH. We are not full share B12 yet and we have one coach already with a buyout. We are the least funded athletic program in the B12, yet people continue to say, it is not about the money.

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According to most here Tillman forced that ridiculous extension on Pez……if he did then it’s on him to either help pay that off( which he said he won’t do) or pay off these dregs of coaches we have in three sports and get them outta here……If that stupid payoff is the cause for us not getting rid of horrible coaches and putting embarrassing teams on the field and court.

If you say it’s not Tillmans fault and he did not force Pez to make the extension then it’s Pez’s fault and he should be fired for putting us in this situation.

And honestly, the buyouts for the three of these coaches is minuscule for P5 programs….we wanted in this conference, put on the big boy pants and fix this sh-t!


The CDH extension is a red herring. In my opinion Pez has been underperforming for a few years. His “get out of jail free card” was when UH joined the Big 12. I just don’t think he runs a very tight ship. Disappointed in Renu and Tillman for looking the other way.


Right. If the AD is gonna throw the WE’RE IN THE B12 NOW stuff at fans and supporters when begging for money, then it needs to apply that same reasoning to their own performance and decision-making. You want me to up my game? Up yours. :slightly_smiling_face:


The disappointing thing is that CTW was given a new three year contract when the old one ran its course. It’s tough to wait out a contract but we did. Then, the struggling coach is given another three year deal and we’re told that it’s too expensive to buy him out early.

I think back to SMU letting Tim Jankovich go in men’s hoops. They waited until his five year contract ended. Rather than renew him, they let him “retire.” They hired another guy (Rob Lanier) with a five year deal and proactively cut him loose after two years and now he’s at Rice and replaced by a guy who was at USC. Yes, that’s a revenue producing sport but you don’t reward a struggling coach at the end of their contract with a new one and then complain about it being too expensive to buy out.