According to Kendall Rogers, Whitting

Hypothetically, if they had let Whitting go instead of giving him the 3-year contract, and hired Sean Allen or someone else to replace him, would they have paid the new HC more than what they’re paying Whitting?
Allen is making $206K at OH ST, I think he’d accept $325K to start.

SBCoog, Whitting’s current contract covers the 2024-2026 seasons.

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This really isn’t about $$ because getting rid of TW isn’t that big of a hit nor would the cost be to find his replacement (Sean Allen for example).


Whitting’s buyout info in this article: UH head baseball coach signs new contract ahead of first Big 12 season - The Cougar (
The relevant paragraph:
“If Whitting is terminated before Aug. 1 2024, he will be owed 40% of his remaining base salary and 33% before the same date in 2025, paid monthly. In the final year of his contract, Whitting will be paid $100,000 or “an amount equal to the prorated Base Salary amount remaining,” whichever is less if terminated before Aug. 1, 2026. The head coach will also receive an incentive of $40,000 for every year he is retained.”

His base salary is $325,000. Before 8/1/24: $650,000 x 40% = $260,000. Drops to $214,000 on 8/1/24.

BTW, kudos to Jesse22 for calling that CTW was coming back. :slight_smile:

How do y’all know Sean Allen will be a good head coach for sure? He has never been a head coach before, but he can’t be worse than what we got lol

That’s exactly why we should have tried to find out this year. :slightly_smiling_face:

Most hires come with some element of risk. Our current state of affairs has kind of minimized that risk because mediocre would be a step up.


You can be worse than this?


Yes. We’ve been under 100 RPI for the last three years (99 this year). If CTW’s donors would put up NIL funds we could buy some players. As it stands, it seems like we’re going to lose talent. Maybe JUCO takes less NIL?

NIL funds? :laughing:

We would have to pay more than every other program just to make the B12 tournament.

Our RPI is only improving because we’re losing to higher quality teams.


Well people say that CTW is a good fundraiser. :slight_smile:

What brick and mortar business would do NIL tight now w how bad they play.
There was baseballs best blooper moments by a B12 team.
Has to be Whitts Old Guard for NIL.

Did you not see Duarte today ?
Pez on the Dana $ crunch.
Crying the $ blues in general on $ problems he is a huge part of causing.

Mentions $2.5 million and $3 million to replace the 3 awful UH Spring programs HC & Staff.

Pez in article.
“we are about $10 million behind them on self-generated revenues. There’s not any reason for it. We could make excuses all day long, but until we meet or exceed that, we’re failing, and that’s on me.””

Troubling. If the long time AD cant come up w a reason then who can ?


So we were P6. Then the P5 was going to save us. Now we’re broke. I don’t remember this much doom and gloom in the AAC…or even conference DOA. Of course we had different ADs back then. It’s all messaging. You can walk in an interview and make them believe you’re John Wick or you can walk in and show them you’re Lil’ Abner. Its really just a reflexion of what you believe yourself.

Does anyone ever listen to Yezman and feel like we’re about to kick ass? I sure don’t. I remember listening to Danny White at UCF. I always got the impression he was about to storm the Bastille.

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Movie gif. Powers Boothe as Bill in Tombstone gazes forward as if indifferent. Text, "Well... bye."


I’ve heard some say….” Well we still have to pay off Dana’s buyout “….” That’s part of why we can’t make a change”….

:thinking:……Let me see, who was it that gave that lazy SOB that ridiculous extension when it was not even close to being necessary?

Oh, that’s right….it was Pez.

So now that horrific decision is at least partially to blame for the THREE-FOUR sports that are an embarrassment to UH right now……Yes, at least 3 or 4 coaches should not only be fired but should HAvE BEEN fired 2-3 years ago!!!

100% this is on PEZ, he created a clusterf—k.


“No more alumni hires in athletics!!!”

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Sean Allen is an alum.

We’ll make this one exception.


I don’t like hiring alums because there’s a reticence to firing them. I think you should treat coaches like rote employees. People just passing through.

Allen might be an exception. Right now I’d take Phil Regan managing from a hash den.

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It might have been Tillman that caused the extension for Holgorsen, he may have just been doing what he was told to do, who knows for sure but regardless it was a stupid move


There should be no hesitation at all to hiring Alumni if we feel they are qualified! If qualified, it’s what SHOULD be done! BUT, if they cant’ perform, you have to be able to do what is right! This is a business. You can’t retain because you have a sentimental attachment. You can’t offer a bunch of repeat reasons to accept poor performance out of “friendship”!

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Exactly…I guarantee it was not a decision Pez made!