According to Kendall Rogers, Whitting

Whitting will probably never have another job that pays what he’s getting now. He’s going to milk it for all he can get. The problem is Pezman and whoever else is letting him do that.


Looks like we are stuck with the softball coach as well then.

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I get that argument today. But the fact is that it wasn’t about that at the end of last season when his contract was up and it was obvious to anyone who cares that he didn’t have the program moving forward.

I can’t give the AD a pass on claiming to be handcuffed by budget when he put the handcuffs on himself. If it’s a couple of big donors driving this, I hope they’re happy with the total failure they’ve invested in.


Well said.

If it’s up to a couple of donors we should not be in the Big 12.

That’s SWAC bullsh-t.


Don’t forget Hughey

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I plan on going to road show in June in San Antonio I will give Pez an earful for y’all lol


Losing Woodward was significant and here’s why:

1.16 WHIP - Good

36K/4BB in 23.1 IP. That’s pretty strong, yes?

Start in win over UT: 4.2 IP, 1H, 0BB, 10K.

He had 10 appearances when he was hurt. Excepting Murray, he was the most dependable, most used bullpen arm

We were already a below average (bad) pitching staff before he got hurt. We went off the cliff after losing Jelkin and Woodward.

Pez will surely tell you about the new Big 12 NCAA settlement which will cost us $20M per year and that we can’t afford much extra money in baseball. The question is why we gave him a new three year contract last year when the old contract ran out.

Who are these two to three donors who are funding baseball? It sure isn’t Fertitta because he demands more results. Sanders? We won the Sanders trophy for taking two of three from Sam Houston. How much do these donors give per year? Are we talking about $25K total per year or $250K per year?


As of February 26, Baylor had lost four hitters. Did we overpitch Jelkin or Woodward?

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He would have helped & he was great v Texas.
That said he struggled w near 10 ERA until late March.

Near 7 era until last 2 appearances.
Gave up 1 run in 3 innings vs Tech. They were down 14 to 6 when he went in.
Add 4 innings scoreless v Texas and he ends up w a 5.4 ERA.

Would have been nice to see him get a start in the 5 weekend series he missed.
He was certainly on an upswing. Maybe a few more wins.

Jelkins good in 7 starts and ends 0-0.
Bullpen blew it every time out.

The one thing Whitt can offer is those 3 weekend B12 starter slots.
The rest looks bleak. Tough to make the non conf any easier.
Most of extra covid year are done.
Could be a historic bad year.

Cant squeeze 19 wins out of the weekday games vs the dregs of WAC, SWAC, Southland, etc.
They swept SUNY-Binghamton in 24. Bring them back or someone worse.
Hopefully Rice still circling the drain in 25.

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He was a bull pen arm like you said.

I can’t sit here and spit out a number but IMO Jelkin might have been worth an extra win or two….a bullpen arm is not going to do that.
He also had an ERA over 5 and just one save.( if you’re gonna pull out his whip then you have to include his ERA)
I don’t even think Jelkin would have been a huge deal….he pitches once a week and doesn’t swing a bat or run the bases….you have to account for everything.

A big bat would have a much bigger impact.

Regardless Holmes, we are sitting discussing minimal effects from injuries.

It was not a couple of arms that caused the team to not qualify for the conference tournament.

It was the lack of player development in all aspects of the game……and has been for several years.


In 2021 we finished 19-34 with 233 RPI.

Baylor was a year away from firing its coach and they finished #48. [#79 in 2022 and one spot below UH when fired.]

Pez’s excuse would be that Baylor has had Big 12 money for almost three decades. They can make changes when they finish #79. UH still doesn’t have a full share and just fired its football coach. Baylor didn’t fire its football coach despite losing in OT to UH. Of course, Baylor went to the Sugar Bowl within the last few years. I pick on Baylor because they finished higher than UH in the baseball standings and was one of two teams to beat, including Tech to make the tourney.

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Yezman has already said he’s broke and can’t pay new coaches yet. We’re on the trajectory of HS players not even knowing we have a program.
I ain’t driving from the 281 to watch this stuff repeat year-after-year. It’s ok if Renu lets Yezman feather this another year. It’s also ok if it’s a league embarrassment.


You should just start singing “Take me out to the Ball Game”

He was fun to watch, his injury definitely. I’ll give coach that one.

If they don’t give a damn about the program (and they don’t) why don’t they just shut it down and use the resources for another program or start some new ones (maybe a kickball team or possibly Cornhole team).

“Take me out to the ballgame”?? With this mess? No thanks.

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I am resigned to the fact that money is truly the culprit here. Extending Whitting on the cheap should have been a dead giveaway.
That said, the same can be said for the other fledgling programs.
Gonna have to suffer through this mess until Big 12 money comes in the mail.
I don’t like it but it is what it is.
I will still be taking ESPN plus and rooting for the Coogs in every sport but my expectations have just about hit rock bottom in some areas.


I would imagine UH donations from alums ranks pretty low in the Big 12: it’s all about money

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It is the Chicken and the Egg theory. Are people not giving money because the team sucks or are they waiting for the Big 12 money to show up so they can add to it? It is complete bull crap! This program deserves better. I have not been around as much as most of you on here. At least some of you have been able to see UH play at its best. We will certainly not see that happen in the near future. I don’t know how anyone would expect the baseball program to ever compete at the Big 12 level with the jokers they have in charge now. The injury excuse is just an absolute joke. Yes, they lost Woodward. You are going to lose a pitcher like that every year. Jelkin probably cost them a couple of games but it certainly wasn’t a program changer. It is not like they lost half the team to UCL injuries!


For those of y’all more in tune with baseball isn’t next year the end of his contract? One more year, no buyout, and get a coach who is worth watching. I usually go to a few games, but I did not this year. I am not going to sit in traffic to watch a poorly coached and motivated team.