According to Kendall Rogers, Whitting

Her name was Leigh Manley. I had some classes with her.


Did you close the deal or what Funk?

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Lance Berkman (aka The Big Puma) has stepped down at HCU. What a disaster that was. Maybe CTW will follow his lead.


And this is why youā€™re not qualified to be AD. :laughing:


At least UH was 3-0 against HCU the last few years. The Huskies had a winning record against UIW and SFA.

There were people that wanted him hereā€¦ā€¦yikes


Are you sure he didnā€™t step down to take another job across town?!? :joy:


Was thinking Pez might pull the SHOCKER on us and hire the Big Puma.

He would probably do marginally better as heā€™d be able to get better talentā€¦.but nowhere near enough to offer him.

And yes, Tim I know you were jokingā€¦.right?

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I was definitely kidding. I forgot that Berkman was coaching. Pretty horrendous record at HCU, but how much of that is on Berkman and how much is on lack of facilities and support?

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Nicely done.

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I saw him at a couple of tournaments and he was workingā€¦.wasnt big timing anyoneā€¦.just trying to find players.


Would he be a good add to UHā€™s coaching staff?

I think he would be a good hitting coach but I donā€™t think heā€™d ever settle for a non-head coaching jobā€¦.obviously doesnā€™t need the money.


After what he supposedly did to graham I think anything he did would be s net loss for the program.

I donā€™t know how Berkman would do at a different school, but HBU/HCU seems to struggle to win at anything now. Still, I didnā€™t have much confidence that bringing the St. Thomas coaching staff with him was going to translate to D1 success.


Iā€™d rather have pettite, but heā€™s currently earning the big bucks with the Yankees

Pettitte has a sour taste in his mouth regarding UH.

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