According to Kendall Rogers, Whitting

Yokubaitis is huge for T&F. In the next tier down from the other two.


From what I understand, he doesn’t give a set amount directly to baseball each year, basically demands certain things happen before he gives the money.

What I mean is that he’s going to give a set amount to the department as a whole. However, he gives enough to dictate exactly where that money goes and what it’s used for. Baseball gets some of it, although it varies annually based on how he feels.

As far as I’m aware, his money still funds a large portion of the program. Sanders gives some, some former players give some, there are some other donors that give some as well, but his money is key.

Yes, Pierce is making a good chunk at uta, but if the rumors are true then he’ll be needing a job. I wouldn’t think he would need as much unless we would be in competition with another program. Also, If his contract needs a buyout, wouldn’t uta need to pay some difference until a certain buyout term?


Standards and attention from the ADs. I don’t think Pezman felt anyone else cared about baseball success so why shoukd he.

I’m so glad we’re past that stupid clichĂ© about having someone shepherd us into the p5. Whitting and Dana shepherded us into the cellar. And the softball coach. And the women’s basketball coach.

Look into Sampson’s mind and you will hear, “I’m not letting this putz drift on my coattails.”


David Pierce fired at Texas
would be a great time to have a competent AD!


Our guy is available

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I’m starting to wonder if this might actually be a thing, especially given Del Conte’s relationship with Schloss. It still seems pretty unlikely, but not laughable.

I think the Tenn coach is probably the guy.

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Hope we hire David Pierce before someone else does!!!


Both Schloss and Tennessee coach were at tcu with Texas AD. Likely one of them.

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If they wait a year low chance they’ll get him.

A&M finally winning a NC and then UT turning around and hiring their coach away would be absolutely hysterical.


With David Pierce and the local HS talent, we will be in the College World Series every year!!

Or losing it
either way would work out just fine. :laughing:


What I was told at the Lewis Jeweler event was that because we didn’t receive full Big 12 share right away, there was some delay on what we could do and couldn’t do in regards to coaching changes.

Who knows how accurate it is, but source was pretty solid.

That’s not how it works.

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Baseball money would not be coming from that money anyway
.not as currently constructed.

Why not?

There are a couple of donors that have been paying for most of baseball, including TW
.that’s why we are in this mess

Until we get a competent AD that puts his foot down.

Ahhhh. I really had no idea. That’s interesting, so basically TW is funding a program that hes overseeing, explaining why he can’t really get replaced?


Yes sir, you got it.

The ONLY reason he is still here.

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