According to Kendall Rogers, Whitting

Maybe with a new AD we can move on can make baseball relevant.


I’m not a big fan of Pierce but not for baseball reasons
.i have some inside knowledge of how Allen was let go and I don’t like it when guys are thrown under the bus( all I’ll say about it).

However, he is a really good coach and I would not mind him being hired at UH
My top choice would be Sean Allen.
Dan Heefner from DBU would be a HR hire but he has been wooed before and always says no.
Ty Blankmeyeris a great assistant at Duke and now headed to Vandy as assistant is really good and can recruit anywhere.
Texas St. was a little down this year but I like Trout and would do well at UH.
Pat Hallmark at UTSA would be good IMO.
Doesn’t have to be a guy from Texas but I would look there first.


It depends if the next guy is gonna be serious about baseball
That would tell you what neighborhood we are shopping in.


Appreciate the response. I seriously doubt we could hire him away from his Alma Mater but Cliff Godwin would be a great choice in my opinion but you’ve got more experience than me so you might have a different opinion. It’s sad that we hold onto CTW when his buyout is 130,000 dollars. Surely we can afford to let him go and give a guy like Trout what TW is making


I wouldn’t get my hopes up that the new AD is going to focus on baseball. My suspicion is that the administration isn’t nearly as worried about that as fundraising, so that’s where the focus will be. I’d love to be wrong about that.


Your probably right, seems like hiring new coaches in womens basketball, softball and baseball would be a great way to make a first impression and show people we’re serious about winning

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At the same time if we are as bad off with money as people are saying then that may not be the best thing to do on day one


Pierce has to be let go first.

I also hear Texas wants Tenn coach, not Schloss.

New AD will be focused on big two sports and NIL funds. If big donors say to replace women’s hoops and baseball, he will.

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Texas is not getting the Aggie or the Vol. EVER!


I could see the Tennessee coach going there. But I think he will probably stay.

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They want Schloss but know that they can’t get him.

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Ah, a month ago a UT donor told me anyone but Schloss. Not sure about any history there because it doesn’t make sense. CDC the AD was his boss at TCU.

Schloss has a great situation at A&M. UT fans do this type of stuff. Even this season, although they would love to have Sampson, they make excuses for why he wouldn’t be hired over there to make themselves feel better.


Big donor for baseball is the one with his name on the stadium and he gives quite a bit
basically funds a large portion of the program. There are two mega-mega donors for UH Athletics: Tilman’s one and he’s the other.


What about Yokubaitis?

Who are the “big” donors for baseball? Who is the one that loves TW?


I have heard that he gave a lot for the funding of the stadium but he doesn’t give much on a yearly basis/.


I’ve said it before
.if we are gonna let one or two donors keep the program in shambles then shut it down.
I can see giving TW and extra year, two was a stretch
.but what 4-5 years now of complete garbage?
I appreciate all donors, I am a donor as are many of you
.not a big money donor, I stay right on the line of $1 more and my wife would be pissed.

But donors should be giving an AD grief for programs underperforming and needing a change.
Again, I appreciate the big donations but I don’t have any respect for someone that would single-handily let a program flounder because he likes a guy.

Cronyism in a D-1 power conference should not be tolerated.


Very well said! We don’t have to push the old cronies to the side completely, but we need get some people involved that want to be the future of the program. The guy they hire at AD has to be an incredible salesman, first and foremost!!


Maybe shutting down the baseball program would open the doors to waving bye to softball!