Which Coogs are coming back?

Eh, that’s the same quote from the weekend.


I wouldn’t be shocked to see him leave, although I REALLY hope he doesn’t. It was becoming clear this year that in our system, he’s better as a small ball 4 than a 3. There’s no chance of him being a 4 in the NBA, so he may think staying in our system will hold him back from his dream. I feel certain Sampson will have an open and honest conversation with him about this.

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This is All the same quotes taken from the locker room after the game. Baldwin releases his Articles like couple days after a game, so it can get confusing at times. Nothing new for now.


Just my opinion, but Shead should declare for the draft, if he does not experience any setbacks in his recovery. This year, he hit 40.9% FG and 30.9% 3pts. Even if he improves by 3% for each by coming back next year, it will not make much difference in the way NBA scouts view him. He is a court leader who makes everyone around him better. It would be hard for him to top being B12 POY and B12 DPOY this year. The timing is right for him to leave. Forget the amount of NIL he could make next year. These kids dream at a young age of competing at a NBA level. He competed this year against Hunter Dickinson and Kyle Filipowski. How about next year competing against Joel Embiid and Victor Wembanyama, not to mention Lebron James?

Either way, Shead has cemented his legend at UH and will be successful whatever he does.


Agreed. Shead’s stock will never be higher.



Selfishly we all want him back, but he’s given us 4 great years. The ending to our season sucked, but the man has worked his tail off. Time to reap the rewards and do what he’s been dreaming of his whole life. Thanks for your commitment and heart, Jamal, but go do your thing.


I will be pleasantly shocked if Shead comes back


If Shead is going to leave (and plans on staying in the draft past the cutoff date to return) the sooner he announces his decision the better. This team doesn’t have a PG if he leaves and no elite PG in the portal will want to come here if Shead decides to return.

It may not be as cut and dried as people think. His stock won’t get any higher, however who knows what type of NIL $$$ he could be looking at if he were to return. Life changing $$$.

However if he is leaving (and isn’t having any doubts about chasing a professional career) then hopefully he announces his decision soon so Sampson and staff don’t miss out on finding an elite PG in the portal.


Yep he needs to sh$t or get off the pot don’t hold us hostage


Sampson knows what he’s gonna do already. They just haven’t told us yet.



Agree. At this point, I believe Kelvin’s recommendations to Jamal has more relevance than the NBA’s Undergraduate Evaluation Committee (UEC). I think Kelvin knew last year that Jamal needed to come back but let the UEC convey that message.

Sounds like the door is still open in that case. He could come back. Natty time. :beers:

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It would not surprise me at all if none of the seniors come back for their extra year of eligibility. Nor would it surprise me if one or two came back. I’m just not counting on anything including TA or Walker staying. Like all of you, I just have to patiently await the final roster list which could take a while. However, patience is in short supply around here – including me.


Ramon Walker is 100% staying


Don’t tell Pesik

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Another Coogfans Ridiculous take, and it has three likes.
The Final Four hasn’t even happened and your already need Shead to make is his decision clear for you.


I think everbody is coming back. :thinking:


confirmed or your prediction?

ramon is not projected to start as a junior or senior

lol we are 2 over the limit and actively recruiting …players are leaving