Which Coogs are coming back?

Say it ain’t so :smiling_face_with_tear:


Pesik, you don’t know that UH is actively Recruiting. That is an assumption on your part… correct?

Edit: not trying to be argumentive. I just don’t like hearsay

Then people on here read it as facts

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Sampson has already said the staff knows who is/isn’t coming back. We will know when the players are ready to make an announcement, I’m guessing a week or so after the final four.


the player being recruited are saying we are recruting them…

i have no clue why liam mcneeley would lie …he name dropped us as a team recruting him yesterday, since he decommited (in the mcdonalds all-american game interviews yesterday) and he decommited only 3 weeks ago, so its not like its something old


Yes, i read that one.

If all 5 leave, then the 2 recruits enroll, we then have only 10 players.


yes. if we lose 5, we will have 3 ships to use

Is there an accurate list somewhere of which players we are recruiting?

I hope not. :laughing:

Well, I’m sure there’s a list in Sampson’s desk, but nothing for public consumption.


there is no way to get an accurate list for anyone…thre is no database collecting that stuff
but the players often mention who is recruting them to reporters…
so this offseason, 4 have been linked to us, 1 of those has commited elsewhere… thats all the information we have so far this offseason

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Lauren has it. :grin:

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Speaking of Lauren, we met her at the Memphis hotel. We were waiting for the elevator, she noticed our UH gear, and introduced herself. What a welcoming, engaging person.


Unless a player makes it public beforehand, the fans will know by April 28, 2024, which UH players intend to go into the NBA draft, since the deadline is April 27, 2024. Players have until May 29, 2024 to withdraw their name.

There are over 900 basketball players in the portal and the portal doesn’t even close until May 1, 2024.

Is Dunn gone?

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Just purely speculation but from what I’ve heard Ramon has a place on the team. Sampson likes him.

Not a starter ever but he’ll do whatever is asked of him. Whether it be a role player or a role with limited minutes.


not denying that, i was more talking from his perspective… i speculate he is on the bubble to transfer not becuase we are pushing him out… but becuase he can probably start at an a10 level team and be a major key player… its obvious he isnt positioned to start …all the younger players have jumped him.

being the 8th guy off the bench might not be his ambition

We need a culture player like Ramon to graduate as a Coogs.

This is the way!!


Sampson has often said that just because a player drops our name does not mean we are recruiting them. Makes me wonder how often we get dropped in as leverage for NIL. Like Riley Kugel. He’s from Kansas and wants to go to Kansas. Kansas knows that and therefore has the leverage. So Riley says other top programs are reaching out so Kansas doesn’t think they have all the leverage. 100% speculative wondering on my part. I’m just curious.


I believe he is leaving