Which Coogs are coming back?

I agree with what he is saying here.

The quote was “There is a GOOD chance 4 of them will be back.”


Agree, good chance isn’t the same thing as a chance, could, or they may come back.

That’s especially true when Kelvin said he knows what all of his guys are doing because they are his kids. He said that last week.


We know Shead is not returning and neither should he. He has done everything a college player can achieve. He possibly cannot beat it. So, it is clear who the 4 are :joy:. I was expecting the same. We get a PG and we will again have a good team. It can be great based on the improvements over the course of the season. Hopefully, we are injury free for once.

shead not willing to commit to say he is going pro publicly yet :eyes:



You seriously would think he would tell Andy Katz on a random interview that’s he’s going Pro. Before announcing it to the UH Fans, University, Coaches etc through a formal announcement of some kind through UH Basketball. Come on pesik, you’re reaching or y’all just bored and impatient I guess.

Edit: where’s Nate
 Help !

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Just because Sampson is saying “We’re going to get a point guard from the portal.” “Possibly 4 starters back.” “Jamal made his decision a long time ago” doesn’t mean that Shead’s random interview non-answer is completely meaningless.

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All the following sarcasm aside, I don’t understand why he hasn’t make an official announcement yet. I don’t expect the official announcement to come in an interview like that but it’s not like there hasn’t been time to make an announcement.

He wants to come back. Coach wants him to go pro. Tomorrow they’ll play rock, paper, scissors and the winner gets to decide his future.


My thoughts exactly. I really do think a big part of Shead’s heart genuinely wants to come back. Maybe he will.

I’m sure not counting on it, but to me it would not be the biggest shock for a path that a college player has chosen.

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I hope for his part he goes pro


I understand that.

But I hope he follows his heart
wherever that takes him after weighing his personal priorities in life.

And i support him regardless.


Cks may have been hinting at something when he said we would have a really good poibt guard next season

He then talked about getting a pg out of the portal.

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Maybe Shead was in the restroom at the time. :man_shrugging:


Sampson said not only would we have a really good PG next season but also said this player was the DPOY in a major conference.

Shead fits that description.


I personally think he is leaving
.i think he goes mid-second round and within a few years has carved out a nice NBA career.

But there has been a precedent set for him coming back.

Edey came back this year because he did not want to go out by losing to a 16 seed.
Last I saw him in mocks as a late 2nd round pick and some not being drafted at all.
Now he is being projected as high as mid-first and is about to play in the Championship Final.

Jamal may tell coach that he doesn’t want to end his UH career sitting hurt on the bench of a game we should have won.

Just saying, until he gives word one way or the other anything can happen.


Hmm. I never heard Coach say the 2nd part ( DPOY) at all. Must have missed that one.


Nothing is a given in the NIL era but CKS said our new point is coming from the portal and I’m not sure how he can improve his stock any further after the season he’s had + a very weak draft this June

Sampson didn’t say the latter. Someone on this board did.

They then said they weren’t talking about Shead.