Which Coogs are coming back?

And second transfers don’t even have to sit a year anymore. He can play right away


Do you guys remember when many thought Hakeem was not even 6’11" but more like 6’10.5"? I can’t think of one other Center that played like Dream. Indeed his move is soccer inspired. Was awesome to see Kobe go to Dream for some inspirations. How many players tried to emulate his trademarked plays/moves? Many. Unique player as they come.

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I believe Portland was still hoping that Sam Bowie would recover from an injury so trading for Sampson at that time was not an option. The speculation that the Rockets should have traded Sampson for Clyde makes no sense to me. Sampson was a 4x NBA All Star and created major matchup problems as part of the “Twin Towers”. Clyde did win a ring in Houston, so all turned out well.

I remember Bill Walton saying that Hakeem was probably six ten and a half, but his long arms and leaping ability meant that he played more like a 7 footer.

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Dream’s feet, footwork has not been seen since.


Either this year or next year

I remember clearly.

But he did not almost get traded “multiple “ times.


I think that’s correct.

Hakeem was almost traded ONE time in a dispute with the front office, but not multiple times.

Or at least, I only remember that ONE incident.


In other words, Hakeem was Francis before Francis was born.


Ja is 6’2"

That’s exactly how I remember it too.

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Scout report on Drexler, said he couldn’t shoot a 3pt and lack fundamentals, if you watch Clyde in old film on him, on fast breaking down court he dribbles with his head down looking at the ball as he dribbles. Scouts critcized him for that. Mike got drafted by the Celtics a yr or 2 after Clyde 1st round, guess what he got cut. 1st round pick mind you. Played his career in Europe

He couldn’t shoot. Thankfully he learned

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Coach said in his interview he knows who is and who isn’t staying. Told reporters that question was irrelevant he know his kids inside and out.

Said Armoni was the only one that surprised him. I was surprised he thought Hinton should leave when he did.


He dribbled the same way all throughout his pro career.


Incorrect the Miami Heat were after him for many years:

Flashback to 1992: Hakeem Olajuwon wasn’t happy with Rockets management. His agent went to the press, saying, “If you have a disgruntled and unhappy superstar and there are irreconcilable differences, then a trade nearly always happens at some point.” The Heat had already turned down a deal offered by the Rockets asking for Rony Seikaly, Glen Rice, and Steve Smith in return—the Heat refused to part ways with Rice and Smith. Houston came back, offering Hakeem and Sleepy Floyd for Seikaly, Grant Long and the rights to draft pick Harold Miner. That trade also fell apart.

Three teams offered trade that we know of which were:
Miami Heat
Trail Blazers

That’s still only ONE incident.

There’s was never any other incident that I’m aware of in which Hakeem got publicly ticked off with the front office and asked to be traded.

A bunch of teams being after him and wanting him doesn’t change the fact that there was only ONE time when Hakeem did that…NOT “multiple” times, as you incorrectly claimed.

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This had been ongoing even before 1992. The fit no fit was the culmination of bad blood between the two parties. Shameful that he finished in Toronto.

Ralph is in the HOF.