Which Coogs are coming back?

Not a sole in this world would I will be talking about that rebound 20 years from now to put us up 5 I feel blessed to even have seen that Ramon is a blessing

this is the craziest gaslight ive ever seen… “Attacking mental health”???

you posted he was happy in his position, i said he took a break from the team the moment he lost his spot in the rotation. as a statement that he might not be happy just being bench… and you twisted that to something crazy…

what is actually your point… im not even sure anymore, you are just gaslighting …

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The fact is Ramon came back after that. He is happy to be a Coog. Why bring up the mental health? You need to justify your speculation, that’s pretty low. Sorry to call you out on it but you went there

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Bro pesik didn’t even say anything wrong he was just stating facts


Also we have zero reason to speculate on what caused his mental issues. That is just wrong to do.

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He didn’t go anywhere, nothing he said was wrong.

To use that speculation to say why Ramon took the leave of absence?
Really i stand by my stance, no one should do that

the “mental health” was to clarify he didnt step away from the team for a injury or family emergency… it was stated he left for mental health…i wasn’t attacking mental health… but stating that being benched affected him… and he mgiht not be happy just being bench…

and your 2nd response, his break was days after sharp went off in back to back games and took his minutes… if you want to pretend that isnt tied sure…
dont gaslight this into some attack on ramon, because it wasnt

if anything ive been saying that he can be star elsewhere that has been the core of my point from the jump…never that he wasnt good enough… you are being so manipulative its crazy


He just said after Sharp jumped him in the depth chart which did happen never did he say that’s why he took a break your the one speculating that and like you said no one should ever do that

I understand that point. And it might happen, i just don’t get any indication that is what he is looking for

Does anyone really think Ramon would be a star in the A10?

Sure he may get more minutes but he’s a glue guy, not a scorer.

Put me in the “Ramon likes it here and has come to peace with his role” camp.


Put me in the camp of wanting him back.


He could be a scorer at Texas state or unt.

Average close to a double double in Rebs and points.

We are about to get some good news people


Which is?


Garrisom from OSU?

Can Sampson force us into the portal?


wrong thread

Shead coming back?? Don’t tease us lol