Uniforms for UTSA game are out. Trigger warning for Old Coogs before clicking on the thread

Even writers who apparently know little about us love these uniforms.

“The first way the Cougs decided to rally the troops … go for one of the best uniforms in HISTORY. A Houston Oilers inspired uniform which may very well be the SICKEST in all of sports…”


They already have a red themed uniform.

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When i bought my season tickets in 1975, half of the crowd was non-Cougar alums.
I think this is a great marketing tool to get those non-Coog alums to games.

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LOL…if you would have presented this idea to me a month ago, I would have laughed at it. And, when I saw it today for the first time, I have to admit, it wasn’t positive. BUT, with all of the hype and media buzz, and understanding where it’s coming from, I am so on board with it. Ha





Not going to lie, I already have these laid out on my mind now.


You know what would make this even better? If Amy Adams-Strunk filed an emergency cease-and-desist order for UH to stop the use of the uniforms. Oh, the drama!

That would make a national story even bigger. No doubt this will be covered on Gameday. I doubt UH would get even a passing mention on Gameday without this happening.


I’ve been suggesting this for years and was mocked. Glad UH pulled the trigger.

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I guess I’ll be the geezer who hates it. Makes us look small time. Piggy back off old NFL nostalgia to try to get support from locals. We’re a state, national, and international school, but this makes us look like the backup school for Houston HS students that too many already perceive us as.

Sure we need more city support. Maybe if I grew up in Houston I’d love it, but I grew up in Dallas. I love my school and team. It’ll be harder to watch a game when I don’t see my team on the field, but instead see an imitation of a team I dont care about at all.

I hope we pick up casual locals because its a turnoff to alums not from the city

As lifelong fan I love these uniforms, fight me!


Can’t believe people don’t like these unis. :laughing:
They’re nice!


Looks like SMU uniforms

Have you ever seen the color of our city flag? Its for Houston not the oilers.

Sounds like a troll

Bait 100% lol

Wrong color blue.

SMU wears "Dallas’ all the time, but is located in University Park, TX.

At least we’re in Houston.

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So all the bragging of social media presence is because we’re wearing city colors? Houston Oilers isn’t the trending search?

SMU used their school colors, not dark blue and silver

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