UH vs UT


And right there you showed your true colors….

GTFO you self righteous poser.

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Did I or did I not offer you my tickets?

I was even gonna throw in the parking pass for free!

You sure were quick to start calling our school and alumni “trash” as well as other names….

If you were not so sheltered you would have just played along with the joke….then said funny guys, but if anyone does send me a PM, thanks.

That would have been the end of it……if you actually had a daughter going to school here.

But we both know that’s not true.

You are either an 18 year old UT freshman or a Wal-Mart Tee-Shirt fan……either way you are a silly little twat.




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I come onto this community, ask a very simple question and get nothing but attacked and insulted when I had yet to even respond.

I respond letting everyone know exactly why I came here. Continue to get attacked, called a liar, etc.

But I need to take the joke?

I let my irritation get the best of me, I can admit. But the way anyone else here handled anything is less than adult or mature themselves.

You all can talk as much trash and believe what you want. I’m not sure who would take time out of their day to come on here and “troll” but I can assure you it’s not me.

Happy MY DAUGHTER is a UH Coog and loving where she is. That’s what matters to me.

You all enjoy your day!

I’m glad you daughter is a coog and is happy here.

But the question remains. Where did YOU go to school? Is that not a fair question?

I mean, no one here wants to inadvertently give tickets to people that may end up cheering for our opponent.

I hope you’ll understand that much.

Are you a UT grad/fan? Not being rude or confrontational. Just asking for the above reasons.


May as well ask her if she’s hot or not for scientific purposes… :golfing_man:


Do you suspect “Pretty Privilege?” I do.

You called MY UNIVERSITY TRASH, you called OUR ALUMNI TRASH several times.

You don’t even have enough common sense to realize what a moron you are……you’re an absolute walking contradiction.

You showed yourself to have absolutely zero class….so run along Karen….

No need for you to slum it on our board anymore….



Calling our fans trash is one thing.

Calling our team trash then complaining about the responses is, well, let’s just say short sighted.

Coaches, fans, alumni, administrators, security and vendors are fair game. Players are not. It’s really very simple.

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If your definition of “pretty” involves more than a few missing teeth, then I bet you’re right.

Players ARE fair game… They’re professional athletes now…


“Hey, your school, fanbase and team all suck. Why are you so mean that you won’t you give me your tickets to the UT game?”
All That Nicksplat GIF by NickRewind


I simply don’t understand how someone can create an account and the first they do is ask for free tickets in a roundabout way. No hey, how yall doing…or nothing. SMH

Buy your own tickets.


What I also find suspect is that she keeps coming back and bantering. AND, she doesn’t answer the question of where she graduated from, or, what team she roots for. What kind of decent woman does that? smh


Based on her syntax and sentence structure, she probably went to Texas State.


These ticket prices are ridiculous.


On second thought I like your style. Can you sell my two also lol

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Hey Buster!!! My wife went to school there! :joy: