UH 2025 Recruiting

I wonder if Johnson delayed his commitment to 7/13 (713) as a hint. Lol





I will be honest. When Johnson posted a little after 4:30 PM Saturday that he needed 10 more minutes before committing, I thought to myself Johnson is telling UH and Mississippi St. I need your “best and final offer”. I have no idea if that is what happened, but that is what I was thinking.


All this was done by Coach Fritz and Staff in seven months! How can that possible be?
What am I not understanding?
Go Coogs !

Can’t say for sure but my guess is he just works at it while the last guy did not. I also think he has some strong connections in Houston and Louisiana that have helped.


He also has prior relationships with these players . He has been recruiting many of them for a few years but he was at Tulane . So he wasnt walking in cold turkey with a lot of these guys


CWF and his staff put in the hours


OK Sam,
As a Cullen College grad (twice) I like to understand how mechanisms work .Once I do, then I try to make them better if I can.So if CWF’s success is the result of :
1.Former Texas high school coach and associated connections.
2.Former Texas Junior College Coach and associated connections.
3. Former College coach at Sam Houston and associated connections.
4.Former Tulane head coach and associated Loisiana connections.
5.UH in B12 effect on City of Houston recruiting
6.Great UH facilities.
7.Great UH Academics resulting in degrees highly appreciated in the City of Houston,resulting in fantastic student career opportunities.
So the question is did I leave any out and which area(s) should we focus on to increase the efficiency of the recruiting mechanism?
Just having fun in the summer FB doldrums.
Go Coogs !


I think that covers it. And he has a record of success and is obviously a very personable guy, something that the last guy most definitely was not. IMO, you would focus on his record of success in both winning and getting guys to the NFL, the excellent facilities, academics, and the Big 12.


We really need to get our Grad programs up to the same admissions standards, graduation rates, and prestige as the other programs in Texas. When will a UH MBA compete with a UT, Rice, or even A&M MBA? Or our Med School against the many established and highly rated programs in the state? These alum are the ones that will donate to the school. They’re also the ones likely to start their own businesses, medical practices, etc. or go into lucrative fields. It’s no coincidence that grad program assessments are a part of AAU accreditation.


We have 10 colleges ranked in the top ten in the nation.


Which grad programs are in the top 10 nationally? Not Business, Medical, or Law.

Relax, the med school is like three years old. Come on. Be realistic.


Agreed. We definitely get a pass on the med school. But in general, our graduate programs need work. They bring money to universities. A good MBA program costs $100k+ for just two years of courses. And it’s not even the courses that you’re paying for, it’s the network. That’s a lot of money in the pocket for those programs.

Top 10 is a HUGE ask. UT and their nearly infinite endowment doesn’t have them either.

Our Law and MBA programs are very well respected (both just outside of top 50). The part time programs are both in the top 50 (Law in top 10).

Competing with UT, A&M, and Rice will always be an uphill battle. Just look at their endowments. But we are on very solid ground with our MBA and Law programs.


Creative writing and HRM?

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That’s the thing. I’m not even talking about national standing, just within Texas. We have no choice but to improve enough to compete with the other Texas schools, otherwise sitting in 5th place or worse in our own state for each of our graduate programs does not paint a good picture for us in academics or finances. And with NIL, if you’re not competitive in finances, then you won’t be very competitive in athletics.

However you feel about the guy, maybe we need to slap Elon Musk’s name on a brand new engineering building in exchange for a huge donation. We’re relatively close to his Starbase in Boca Chica, maybe it’ll be a good opportunity for him.

Not sure how much spare change their alum have

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And I’m saying we do compete well. The MBA and Law school programs are very highly respected within the state and nationally.

Of course we want to improve. We will never have an endowment like UT, Rice, or A&M. That’s going to make competing with them impossible.

We compete well with everyone else in the state.

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I’d add SMU to that list too, but at the same time I refuse to say that we’ll never come close to them. Maybe we’ll get some Cougar alum elected in the right places and finally get an equal share of the PUF. Maybe we get friendly with a few more billionaires.