Transfer Portal News 2.0 - Progs ruined another one. Ban Progs ASAP

Roberts is a returning senior starter. He is all about the Cougar family and culture. Arceneaux is a super talented soph who is ready to play and move on.
No way Sampson throws family members under the bus.
Sampson is brutally honest and upfront and he actually cares for these kids.
I just can’t see him bringing in another guy who is a sure starter.
Maybe I’m wrong but I’m glad Sampson is making these decisions

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They’ll play regardless if they start or not. The job of the coach is to put the best team to give him the best chance to win.

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So if we bring in a sub then I see no problem as long as he buys into the culture.
We are on the same page there progs.

What’s the difference in bringing in a portal starter or a 5 star frosh starter like JWALK…?

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Sub or starter it dont matter. Terrence didnt start last year and he was good. We also dont know how excatly the starting line up is going to look since we aint coach. Just win baby!!!

im confused by this statement… who is decided to be family, is it only when they are good? we regularly recruit over players we jumped powell like 3 times, we recruited in front of sharp and arc

its open competition…


Everyone has just been given a lifeline. Would you like to call a friend or guess the candidate on your own?


Lol. That applies if “cAn He PlAy DeFeNsE” 2 among some of these posters!

Just stating an opinion. Bottom line is I can’t see Sampson benching a senior starter and I can’t see Arceneaux not starting. But once again that’s my opinion and not worth the buttons I just typed this on.
Leaving the rest to the self proclaimed gurus!

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I got him to give us that little nugget lol

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Opinion. We all have one.

TA isn’t a PF. He is a thin 6’6. I don’t think he wants to be a full time PF. His nba future is as a wing. Sampson breaches defense and rebounding. When Sasser got hurt TA started in place of our SG against Memphis. Now you want him to start at PF?


You seen him start against Memphis lol.

In a real note… Culture = earning it.


I loved Chaney and the hustle he brought to the program. But Roberts was clearly the starter

You just made his point.

Cut him from the roster!


Progs I wondered what you really look like lol.
All is cool and in good fun.

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