The University has been completely and totally embarrassed!

Duarte needs to ask him this question lol

You spend other people’s money well.

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I dropped mine before the season after having them for 6 years. Last year was too painful to watch in the stands and just not an enjoyable experience. It was easy to see where this season was going. Still making my donations though.

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Keeping basketball season tickets dropping football next year. The product on the field is garbage

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This is funny, people hate on CDH because he drinks. He could not hold a candle to some of the drunks we have had or that are in college football, starting with Herman and Sumlin, then Sark, Orgeron and Kiffin would lead all partiers.


Yeah, but these guys win. Dana doesn’t.


Debatable, Sumlin is out, Herman at Florida mini U, Orgeron out. We are two games into B12 and people think we will never win another game. I dare anyone to stand up to Tillman and tell him he does not know what he is doing with his money.


Many assume he does. At a gathering last season with the captains, coaches and Fertitta, CDH wasn’t the drinker
.got that info first hand


I think it is the haters using an excuse to move on.

Maybe in the past, but unless I see it first hand a falling down drunk, I don’t comment that one is.


We could have a decent record and still have more Horns in our stadium. That is the way UH fans have rolled for many years. Our fanbase is not what got us to the Big 12, and it will not be the reason for the next move, unless it is downwards


Do you really think that his partying or lack thereof is the reason most people want to move on?

Do you think CDH is the guy to move this program forward into the next few years of B12 play?

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We waited 26 years to be bigtime B12 football, now after 2 games we are ready to bail.

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You obviously didn’t read up on Dana’s time in West Virginia. Getting thrown out of Casinos is exceptionally hard
 especially if you’re BMOC, which Dana was.


I sincerely don’t care what Dana does on his own time and I can appreciate that he enjoys the adult beverage.

My beef is that he hasn’t shown the ability to move this football program in a positive trajectory and that his lack of results (spanning two programs now) is costing our university a lot of money.

This statement is disingenuous. Nobody is bailing from B12 football. We need a coach that is able to show positive progression after 5 years on the job. It’s really that simple.


You realistically think that 5 years ago, we could have recruited a kid and say to him in 5 years when you are gone we hope to be in the B12, when nobody had a clue if we would ever be in the B12. You are recruiting in AAC in Texas against SEC and B12 hoping for B12, so when we get the call we would be ready to win our first game in B12??? Be realistic. CDH probably has two years to see if it is a fit, then we can talk. I did not think Smith was the answer after Sam U. but I was wrong, he showed in the first half against TT, he can be a B12 QB.


 what? I want him to beat freaking rice and at least look competitive in our first big12 season. This has not yet happened.





What is this recruiting you speak of? Lol

Let me guess
.You met Dana at some sort of function and he shook your hand so now you have “the feels” for him


The appropriate comparison to UH is Cincinnati, BYU,and UCF.

How is the talent at those schools compared to UH?

We play Cincinnati and UCF so the answer will easily be obtained vs those 2.

But here is the real kicker. How does Dana’s talent compare to Rice? At one point Dana trailed Rice 28-0. Yes, we caught up but could not stop them in OT. Our defense failed.

It does not look good. If our President and BOR do not think so then they are responsible for 2024 ticket sales.


C’mon. That is a ridiculous premise & not what anyone is claiming. The best you could do?
Its the recruiting from @ Labor Day of 21 B12 invite that matters.

Beating Rice and enough coaching & talent 2 not get laughed at in B12 play was realistic.
Yet here we are.

You use realistic when your arguments are not.