So what if the Big 12 could

entice 8 top ACC schools to join the Big 12 (Clemson, FSU, Miami, Georgia Tech, UNC, UVA, DUKE and Louisville)?

The bait would be in a media contract (if a service like Amazon or Apple is imterested) in which that media entity would be willing or capable of paying B1G/SEC level money. The hook is the fact that an immediate exodus of at least 8 ACC schools would end the league, and by default would destroy the ACC GoR.


If the SEC goes after Clemson and FSU, the B12 would not be able to get them. How about B12 getting AZ, AZ St. Utah, CO from the PAC-12 and Miami, Louisville, NC St., and UVA from the ACC. Once the SEC takes Clemson and FSU and the B1G takes UNC and Duke the GOR won’t be a problem.

On what basis would 8 teams leaving end the league?

You can go below 8 as long as you restock quickly enough, which they shouldn’t have any problem doing (however unenthusiastic they’d be about the candidates…).

i think is an excellent idea and notre dame might come
they don’t want to go BIG


This is speculation based on different articles from various sites like The Seattle Times, SI, etc. which suggest the SEC will take Clemson and FSU and the B1G will take UNC, Duke, and I think one other which may be UVA or VT. If that happens, the teams will go for the financial package available to them from the B12 since the one for the remnants would be peanuts.

The SEC cant get anyone till 2035-36 because of the GoR…the ACC zchools hate that GoR and it seems the only way to break it earlier than 2035-36 is to disolve the ACC. I see that could happen 2 ways…the SEC and B1G team up to take 8 or more ACC schools or the Big 12 could take 8 or more schools. Now the top ACC schools would want 2 things 1) dissolve the GoR early, and 2) get paid SEC/B1G level money. The Big 12 taking the 8 best ACC properties could accomplish both things, if the media partner is willing and capable to pay over a billion dollars for that content.

So one again we have this “wild card” of streaming services that will drive up value. I’ve been hearing this for a awhile now and at no point had it come close to fruition. I just am not going to buy it until it actually happens. So without a major value driver I feel like the test of this premise is moot. The two big network dogs will pay the two big conferences However the 12, PAC, and ACC reconfigure will get leftovers and we’ll be lucky to not all be on the CBSsports channel ask the time.


You are missing the point. With ESPN facilitating a move of teams from the ACC to the SEC and also teams from the ACC (including ND) to the B1G, the GOR will be no longer a thing to worry about. If half of the ACC leave, there will not be a sufficient number of teams to keep the GOR.

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I would need to see the ACC bylaws to be sure, but I would be surprised if it took only 8 votes to dissolve the conference. Even the Pac-12, as weak as their conference agreement is, requires a 3/4 vote.

I have seen the GOR, though, and it cannot be amended but with unanimous consent.


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“…the ACC GOR is locked in until 2036”. Can somebody explain to me how this thing works? I thought the ACC was locked into it’s deal until 2036. Hence UH/B12 looks west instead. Is there a way around this thing?

The GOR is in effect until 2036. The full members cannot likely buy it out. But conference GOR’s haven’t been challenged in court and could fall apart there. The problem is that it is potentially disastrous if a school takes it to court and loses because it is probably triggered by a conference withdrawal (or it triggers one).

So, are you saying that if all schools but one, voted to invalidate and left the ACC, the one remaining would get all of their rights until 2036? I don’t think that would hold up in a court.

A lot would depend on how precisely it unfolded, but most likely it would be a huge legal mess that would involve the last school getting a lot of money for giving up their claim. The departing schools would pay to put the issue behind them. Wake Forest (or whoever, but come on it would be Wake Forest) would take the money for fear of losing a lawsuit.

It’s hard to know at what point it gets pushed into settlement territory. My guess is at about the 3/4 line. I would assume that the departing schools are not able to vote to disband the conference, but they might go to court over that and the threat of the conference being disbanded would be enough to get Wake Forest, Syracuse, and Boston College (or whoever, but it would definitely be them) to settle. Tail-end risks can be a huge motivator for compromise.

Don’t be surprised Yormark, pulls off what many think is out off the realm. His career shows this This guy is going to do great things. Imo


Probably not, sounds like its just a pipe dream.

I hope so

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I don’t know, there always seems to be a way around things.

Could our new Commish pull this off:

What penalty would Texas and OK have to pay if they stay put?
Big 12 (14) gets 6 from PAC ( the 4 corners and OR/Wash).
Would that be worth $60-100 million per team?
The Big 12 would have all the inventory west of the Mississippi plus Cinci/UCF/WV.
Pipe dream, but then so is everyone else’s ideas.


I agree…pipe dream…

Surely, the same thing could be said in about a fourth of the words, using plain English, that people don’t get flummoxed trying to decipher.

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