So what if the Big 12 could

Lawyers, man. What’re you gonna do?

That would take, like, ALL of the hookers

Definitely not 100 million, but it might get as high as 50 or so. That would be amazing.


60-70m I figure. Yormark do a good job maybe high as 80M plus with new additions coming in down the line

P.s. not talking the 4 corner, speaking about future members beyond assuming we expand with the 4 corner

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Hope you’re right. That would be phenomenal!


If we get Oregon and Washington (and everybody else) to sign a GOR I could see it being that high. Otherwise I’ll still expect closer to (and maybe below) $50m.

^^^^^That’s what I speak of.

Going to say something sacrilegious, but at 60-70 million , does texas and oklahoma rethink their move. Why get your mouth smashed in the SEC when can you bump that up another 10-15 million with those two in a revamped big12.

Boy you guys take this information on the internet and run with it. These numbers are not correct.

I think even if our contract somehow matched the SEC’s they would still go.

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Been sources who know media and valuations, said B12 before all the hell broke out. B12 would be in the 50m plus range… posted in some other threads on this board. So I don’t see any impediment to a 20 league B12 with the right additions wouldn’t be north of those estimated figures. Then you got Yormark who negotiated one of the largest media right deals in history for NASCAR

“In 2003, he brought NASCAR the largest naming rights deal in American sports history, a 10-year, $750 million deal with Nextel. He then added a 10-year fuel sponsorship with Sunoco worth around $90 million.”

They only way they stay is if they can get Clemon,FSU,NC,Duke and another few teams, at which point UH is probably getting the boot again.


Because they are embarrassed of getting their mouth smashed by Baylor and Kansas and everyone in the Big 12. I ultimately think that’s all this is and nothing more. They don’t need more money, it will just be nice to have it. I think losing in the Big 12 hurts their recruiting and so they figure if they lose, it won’t look as bad losing to SEC teams.

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NOPE- The cows and Boomer Sooner have too much EGO involved to back out of that deal with the SEC. I hope the cows and Boomer Sooner stay over there for a while. I will enjoy seeing them getting punched in the face EVERY week.