OUT Out Early...?

Prime example for the Youngers to understand why us Geezers hate TU so damn much

Life is good when A) Coogs Win B) Bonghorns Lose


Little if any.

I think of the $100m in exit fees the Big East got, the incoming teams split something like $10m and Temple got a disproportionate bite of that because they entered a year early.

Totally agree! We don’t need them. Stop providing a stage for them in their home state! ALL BIG 12 school’s should vow to never schedule them again!


I agree, but you can bet that most Texas schools would agree to play those two for the money and packed stadium. But, if they leave early, the financial gain would probably not be shared with the newcomers.

Our fans no longer have a salivating desire to play UT.

The Home schedule will dramatically improve without UT, and without OU.


Does this surprise anyone?

UT despises UH.,


I’m pretty sure that UT is the Don Draper character and doesn’t even think of us.

Heck, UT was even willing to play us after the break up of the conference until we screwed the pooch

Chill out. The current season is not even over, The Big 12 does not necessarily release their schedule in December every year.

2017 schedule was released in Dec of 2016
2022 schedule was released in Dec of 2021


2021 schedule was released in Feb of 2021
2012 schedule was released in Feb of 2012
2015 schedule was released in Nov of 2014
2014 schedule was released in Nov of 2013

The dates of release are all over the place with Nov, Dec, and Feb dates. I believe there was an Oct one year. YEs, things are changing, but that is rather normal in the past decade plus.

“(Stoops) lost to two teams - hell, Houston beats everybody,” Switzer said. "They were 13-1 last year, weren’t they? It’d be a hell of a mistake if the Big 12 allows them to come in. They’ve got better players in Harris County than anywhere else in the United States.

“You give them credibility like you did TCU (and) let them out of that Mountain something West league and give them credibility, they’ll be recruiting the same players (that) Texas, Oklahoma and everybody else is recruiting. And they’ll get them, too. Right now, they don’t get the same players. But they still get enough good ones.”

“In my personal opinion, I wouldn’t let them in, but I’m not involved anymore,” Switzer said. "It would make it tougher on Oklahoma, no doubt. I don’t know how they’ll vote.

“Me, if I had a chance to vote on them? Hell, no. I think it was a mistake to let TCU in and they proved it was a mistake.”

Switzer in 2016.


It 100% makes sense that you want to know if UT and OU are leaving in 2024 or 2025 before you release the 2023 schedule. If you have two years at 14 teams then you can have everybody play everybody. If you have one year at 14 teams then you are deciding who gets to play UT and OU one last time (or at all) before everyone goes their separate ways.

If I were the decider my 2023 schedule would depend on the scenario…

Texas might despise Houston but I doubt there is any fear about playing UH. Sadly even at TDECU would there be a 60% orange crowd. UH fans would sell their tickets and pay off their season tickets with that one game.


It isn’t fear. They will kick our azz next year. They would find it detestable playing a game at TDECU.


And vice versa!

You can forget that 60 % Texas fan nonsense…The ONLY way that happens is if 20, 000 Texas fans buy Houston Season Tickets, which will not happen…


UH had a coach then…


BFD We don’t like them either


I’d let them go…on these conditions…

Cow forfeits their first year SEC payment to the Big12 to be paid evenly to all members

Wagon gets a free pass. They historically beat up Cow…so there’s that goodwill.

Enjoy 8th and 11th places fellas!!!

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Our athletic Director already said that UH fans will sell their tickets when he was making excuses for next year‘s attendance and record

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I read your post.
Moncoog should U of H get a PUF share?

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“…Prime example for the Youngers to understand why us Geezers hate TU so damn much.”… PUF is all I need.