If you can buy a yacht for $150 million then yes, its obscene.
Worshipping and defending billionaires won’t make you one. You can appreciate what Fertitta does for this school without praying to the guy.
If you can buy a yacht for $150 million then yes, its obscene.
Worshipping and defending billionaires won’t make you one. You can appreciate what Fertitta does for this school without praying to the guy.
We just stayed at Tillman’s Post Oak Hotel. The only 5 star hotel in Texas (per them). It was a special occasion (47th ann.)
I am blessed to be able to stay in such a wonderful hotel made possible by our economic system. His employees were awesome, so he must be paying them well.
Some of you guys would prefer all hotels to be Motel 6’s , obviously.
Nope, it is not obscene. He has risk everything he has many times. He may be lucky but that luck came from being prepared and daring to take risk. Communist love the word entitled well he is entitled to enjoy what ever makes him happy and he can afford. He has not stolen anything from anybody and has paid fair days wages to those he employs. Your jealousy is turning you from red to green with envy.
$2.15, or whatever tipped restaurant workers are paid, is not a fair wage. It is expecting the consumer to make up the difference of what the restaurant pays and a livable income.
That’s not on Tillman because all restaurants pay that.
But saying he pays a fair wage is not true when some of us pay our employees well above the real minimum wage.
Who makes money when there’s concerts and other events that are rented out in Toyota center?
What a pathetic and whiny thread…
Some simple minded folks on here don’t seem to accept the fact and the results that Tillman Fertitta is an effective and successful businessman and a risk taker.
Maybe moving down to Cuba to live in mediocrity and poverty would better suit them.
I’m successful. I would be even more successful if I had the government build infrastructure primarily for my use and have you pay for it instead of my investing my seven figures to build it and hire people without any subsidy. You betcha.
and the PUF highjacked by the great satan and atm is that fair game?
America is based on hard work and taking chances. The so called billionaires or wealthy account for how many jobs? Some suggests on this thread that being financially successful is sinful and wrong. Yes that is exactly what you are writing. You too have a choice to be a Billionaire. Why don’t you?
How many employees does it take to keep a yacht of that size in working order? Anybody have any idea? Just curious.
He’s on our side! Let him spend what he wants on his toys. Just please keep helping UH, the university, and athletics. He’s a great ambassador of our school.
Just google his family background - 3rd base
So what?
I honestly don’t know and couldn’t find an answer online. I would expect, since the Rockets have a 30-year lease, they are subletting for such events.
Oh crap a Tillman thread, last time we did this many were told by not praising him enough we were putting his support in jeopardy.
Everybody better stop, apologize and tell Tillman how baller his yacht is.
Maybe we also need to apologize for changing the spelling of his name! The OP started that.
Reason I have no problem with those who’ve built wealth is they did exactly that build it. Didn’t inherit it or steal it. He and others like him. Saint Paul in the Epistle’s said," the love of money is the root of much evil" Jesus said it’s harder for a rich man to enter in to the gates of heaven than it is for a camel to enter through the eye of a needle ( which is a gate). Never said it was impossible.( In fact he was saying very possible if watch a camel do it) This is the needle Jesus was talking about. Not a sewing needle like modernity thinks. Like someone pointed out here the real obscenity is poverty and ignorance and all it’s accompanying ill’s. Jesus burial tomb was provided by a wealthy friend and benefactor
I agree but actually see that many of those ultra wealthy do not have things I have. A less complicated, less distracting obligations, more simple one on one family and friend relationships. Love.
I prefer my life the way it is with struggles and victories.
Ever think of how hard it would be to have so much money you felt guilty about who needed some and you gave some to somebody who did not.
Did he really need to spend 150 million on a yacht?
He could have purchased one for 100 million and gave the other 50 mil to UH.
I thinks he’ll probably use it for a lot of business reasons. Maybe even rent it out for $10K a day.
$10k a day rental would be an awful return on a $150million investment.
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