I won’t speak to Tilman until he refunds my $121 the Golden Nugget took. The book said to hit then. But for sure I wouldn’t have any hard feelings if I’d walked out with $242. Funny how life works like that. Let Tilman enjoy his little boat😉
Just trot out the word “communist”, a sure fire one stop shopping boogie man throw down, simplistic though it be, to anyone who even makes any critique of any ecomomic aspect of the US. Hope you didn’t attend public school, it’s a socialist institution.
You are just professing your ignorance. See if you can understand this: Tilman was born into the wealth of the Fertitta family. Got it? Thanks for the empty rhetoric.
“Red Dragon Coog” pretty much calls himself a communist.
Since he and I go way back to the 80s when we would stand outside the Summit along Edloe selling lanyards and fanny packs before rock concerts, I went ahead and called him up. He said the model he originally test-sailed was $200M but he dropped some of the options like led lighting, bluetooth and cup holders for the head to make it more manageable so he could donate to UH too.
“Pretty much”. Is that snother assumption based on subjective interpretation without facts? Oh, so transparent.
Oh look who decided to grace us with his presence.
Everything Boomers don’t like or understand is communism.
What Tillman did is by the rules. What UT and A&M have with the PUF is unfair. It’s gov land that needs to be for all Texas universities. It’s why Beto wants it changed along with others.
Your never going to get real change complaining about Tillman unless you want to move to another country that you feel is ok for you. However you can help change the PUF.
Lots off marxists on here, lived through the cold War, saw what we had, saw what Russia had, i pick capitalism every time
I’ve never owned a yacht, but dad had a 14’ bateau (y’all call 'em john boats) with an 18HP Evinrude we used to fish the Louisiana swamps. I also used to take the ferry in Baton Rouge, it was a nickel to ride without a car. It looked like an old riverboat with a 2nd deck promenade and was good for a romantic evening with a high school date (our school was in a poor area and dates didn’t expect anything expensive). When the I-10 bridge was built, they sold the ferry to Cincinnati.
But why does it matter that he was born into wealth?
Why are you so pissed at that?
What would you do if born into wealth? Give it all away? Or use it to your advantage and create more wealth? No one here truly knows what kind of philanthropist he really is other than what he gives to UH….
I all most died from COVID…… had 4 months with zero paycheck……burned through my savings….and despite still not being close to 100% I have been working two jobs for the last six months to claw my way back up……I am pushing myself even harder than what I should be according to my pulmonologist….should I just sit at home? Should I ask for a handout?
I’m really sorry those people lost their jobs …… but damn, get back up and do what you need to do for your family or yourself or whoever……but quit crying about the man that bought a boat with money he should have given to you!!!
Dont you have hate tweets to send to players leaving the football program?
It must be a miserable existence walking through life mad at people because they have a toy or money or a business or a job that you put zero effort into. What brings a person like that joy other than bringing other people misery? Sad.
I would like for you to point out where I referred to Christianity, because I completely missed it. If it is because I said count your blessings, does that mean that you think only Christians can have blessings? I would not agree if that is your opinion, but then again, you are entitled to your own opinion.
As for people who say they pay for the tax breaks companies get, I would like to point out that such breaks are because the net result is the community is positively impacted by them. More jobs are created, which is a multiplier. I think the math is each new job creates 8 ancillary jobs. In other words a new job for a community creates 8 other jobs that cater to the person holding that job, such as restaurants, laundries, grocers, suppliers, etc. Cities and states do that because it is a net gain.
According to the geniuses in this thread, if someone is a billionaire, you must bow down and worship them, not even look in their direction because they’re “better” than you.
The level of worship people have for money is idolatrous. Explains why charlatans get into the megachurch business.
You must be a bitter person. No one bows down and worships billionaires, Tillman included. However, there are those of us who do appreciate the generosity he has shown to our university. The fact that he has become a billionaire is good for him. For me personally, it has no affect. However, for our university it has made a tremendous difference in our athletic standing. Without his donations, we would not have the Fertitta Center. Without his leadership on the BOR, we would have been behind our building programs. Without his political clout, we would not be going into the B12. Those are facts – and I truly appreciate all of his efforts in our behalf.
There is a distinct difference between appreciation and worship. Maybe you can look up their respective definitions on line or in an actual dictionary, because you seem to not understand the differences.
I didn’t read that essay you wrote but like I saod earlier, you can appreciate what he’s done for UH while still criticizing obscene spending by billionaires.
#1 A previous poster stated that Tilman wasn’t born into money, got it?
#2 Where did I say that he should have given me money? Where? Just fabricating fallsehoods to try and substantiate your point, mainly directed at me as opposed to sticking to a discussion of the topic, and then with the tiny violins.
Were you layed off because the industry and company you worked for was adversely affected by COVID and then afterwards the owner of your company bought a $150 million dollar yacht?
Seems like some type of “issue” if “less than billionaires” can support a billionaire by working for them, be released from the job that keeps them at “less than billionaires” by the billionaire, and then the billionaire goes on a spending spree, even with the heartbreaking and unfair, disproportionate taxing he was still liable for.
But I thought the business climate had adversely affected said business such that the “less than billionaires” were released after having supported the billionaire??? and then left with the instability and difficulties that a billionaire on a yacht can’t relate to since he was born on it. THE ISSUE I ORIGINALLY BROUGHT UP WAS MAKING THIS EXTRAVAGANT PURCHASE IN THE FACE OF PEOPLE WHO WORKED FOR HIM THAT WERE RELEASED FROM THEIR JOBS DUE TO THE DOWNTURN IN THE ECONOMY BECAUSE OF COVID. Seems like such a devastating blow to the business wouldn’t allow for such frivolity. Hmmm.
Maybe he doesn’t have an obligation to them, and that would speak loudly as to his character, because if I released an untold number of people, because of the economy you understand,
and then I made a capital investment into the business of over $100 million I would at some point have to think wow, what a blank I am. Ican release people because of the economy, but I can spend at will because of the economy with no care at all about the people who helped build and sustain my business/wealth.
Oh, gonna get into a work ethic contest with me, good luck. Spent the last 8 months of 2021 working without a day off, 70 hours a week, not including the last 2.5 years in which I’ve worked endlessly at least two hours a day on my own business, and that’s not added in to the above.