As of time of writing, the top four threads on the board are unambiguously politics, the 5th might be, and 10 of the top 11 are threads that I would class as “politics.” Is this just not a rule anymore?

Speed limit is 65; you can drive 75-80…if you don’t get caught.

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Lots of malarkey.

Really simple to stop the straight up political threads, suspend users who start them. Some other threads slide to politics or might involve politics but aren’t blatantly breaking the board rules (student loans, inflation, economic issues, etc). Those to me are fine if people stay on topic. Right now its just a free for all though. Especially if the thread had zero purpose other than taking a shot at a politician, see here.


We are all adults. Talk about what you want to talk about. Read what you want to read.

Geez Louise.


If we didn’t have these threads, you’d have another 6 “Official Game Day” threads before 7 tonight. :wink:


“Official” is the most used word in titles on Coogfans. We will have an official UTSA ticket thread, official UTSA game discussion, and official UTSA game thread. Then of course the official UTSA post-game thread will start around 6:45 tomorrow. I’m worried right now the score prediction thread isn’t listed as official. I might go edit the title so no chaos happens later tonight.


We’re historians just talking about history in the making.



See what I mean?

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It is not politics, just current events about the struggle to preserve our democracy is all, not politics.

I’m really not all that interested in politics and haven’t been for a long time. This issue isn’t about politics though.

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Who wants my opinion on what has happened here?

(Probably not a certain mod)

Let me go change that right now. :laughing::smiley:

You sir need to post more often in the satellite.

Uhhh No thank you! :grin:. You setting me for failure n potential to serve Susp. #Nope

People want to keep politics out when every last thing involving The University of Houston is political.

UT and A&M have the money and we don’t.

Explain to me how that is not political.

Everything, and I mean everything we do is political. The moderators of this site have every right to run the board as they choose. This is an independent site as it should be. They run the place, their rules.

Everything is political. The most political thread right now might be the Shasta Cage thread. I am a proponent of bringing Shasta back to campus and I remember exactly why we lost that battle previously.

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That thread is something else.

I tend see it that way too, as everything has a political
aspect to. But the mods have the right to use their
more limited version of what is/isn’t political. Whose house ? The mods house.

. I am a proponent of bringing Shasta back to campus and I remember exactly why we lost that battle previously.

I’d like hear that story ; don’t think I know all the inner workings of what happened and how it
ended. Last I read was the Guard was trying to raise $125k for better habitat