Next Round of Realignment Will Be Very Disruptive

There is one Division 1 football team in Nebraska.
The closest Division 1 team to them is in another state - Kansas State 134 miles away.
No professional football for ~200 miles.
You have a captive audience for anyone that likes football. They can be terrible but there isn’t another option.


University of Nebraska is the pro team in a state that loves football as much as any other. They’ve got more t-shirt fans than we have alumni. It’s fun to laugh at how bad they’ve been but attendance-wise we could only dream of reaching the levels they’re at.

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Would Nebraska football fans choose to win XII titles and playoff entry or to collect checks in Big10 to pay for everything except wins on the field.

10 years in and all NU fans have is snobbery of memberism. Have they even made a bowl game up there


Nebraska won 9+ games their first four years in the Big 10. Problem is they weren’t content with that and fired their coach. They’ve been crap ever since but imo there’s no reason why they can’t get back to being in the upper echelon of that conference.

It is not only losing to Ohio State. It is losing to Ohio State in the freezing cold.

Yeah, and if NE doesn’t right its ship, it will be left out. Same for Mizzou, Ole Miss, Mississippi State, Ga Tech, Iowa State, WVU, BC, WF, K-State, Okie State, Auburn and other small market, small state schools. It will be hilarious to see all of these current SEC, Big 12 and BIG teams that think they have in the bag are left holding it.

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I thought I had read on the interwebs that Nebraska got kicked out of the AAU because their teaching hospital is not on campus or close enough to campus to count as research for the university.

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Two reasons:

  1. they were counting a lot of Ag research that the AAU disallowed, AND

  2. they were counting medical research from the University of Nebraska System’s Medical School, which is a completely separate autonomous institution of higher education over which the University of Nebraska at Lincoln has ZERO administrative control or authority.

Once you take out those two sources of research dollars…Nebraska no longer met AAU standards.

Ok, that’s what it was…I knew their med school or lack of med school in Lincoln had something to do with it…

Kind of emphasizes the importance of the med school at UH for AAU

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Probably closer to 4-1/2 hours but yeah, not anywhere near 12

Saw a YouTube show about 2024 Big 10 schedules for USC and UCLA.

Coming to the Coliseum or Rose Bowl will be Nebraska, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio St., and Penn St.

Serious Home crowds! All of those schools have fans that travel well.

Easy to see virtue of swapping PAC 12 schedule for a Big 10 schedule.

No doubt, add to that ND at home on Thanksgiving weekend…and they could set a new attendance record.

BS……it is the networks !!

They aren’t going to just 34 top brands bc it leaves to many good programs out. It’s prob gonna be 3 top conferences then still g5. Playoffs will help.

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I’m just glade that all the previous rounds of realignment weren’t “very disruptive” s/o

I still think its hilarious that the one thing every living organism on Earth needs, food, is somehow not considered valuable research, but researching another way to speed up a processor so people can make more online adult entertainment, video games and bad movies is highly valued. What a condemnation of our society.

You won’t get any argument from me, but we don’t get to make the rules!

The AAU has always disregarded USDA funded Ag research simply because a) it’s generally given out per capita to Ag schools without a competitive process, AND b) it generally isn’t peer reviewed.


How odd. The only reason to speed up a processor is porn. Not the application that would have come to my mind of maybe thousands of other reasons but hey, different strokes…


Yah but you have to think about it, that foods probably just going to be used to feed porn stars so if anything its just going to further the moral degradation of our failed society lol

LA traffic plus bus ride from Chicago to Columbus makes it 12.