A photo posted by UHCougars (@houstoncougars) on Jul 22, 2016 at 7:31am PDT
They’ll have Big 12 patches on them?
A Reversible AAC, Big XII, Pac 12 patch.
Velcro square for Conference patch.
Nice, clean look. No complaints here.
I honestly don’t care what the uniforms look like as long as I see them in the end zone on a regular basis.
They’re ok. The white stripes on the sleeves make me think Nebraska…Actually, the overall look makes me think Nebraska.
I like them a lot. They look timeless.
I like the look a lot. Simple, regular stripes and looks very “college football”-esque.
My only drawback on the new look, and only because I’m also a Hawkeyes fan . . . . they look an awful lot like Wisconsin.
Overall though, the new uniforms get an “A+”.
Thumbs up. They look great.
Run’n Shoot redux.
They look like Wisconsin or Nebraska uniforms!
Is it a hint of the Big 10 conference?
Excellent. Simple and clean. Two thumbs up.
Is this the only picture we’re going to get? I’d like to see the combos.
They need a red helmet. Those white helmets make the uniform suck.
We have a red helmet, and you’re in the vast minority on the white ones.
Why doesn’t the red in the jersey match the red on the helmet? It’s two totally different reds.