New Texans Uniforms

Overall I am less than impress. But all of this is minute comparable to when the nfl allowed, yes allowed Houston to have another nfl franchise.
The nfl basically told Houston/Harris County the following:
“We will take your money but don’t even think about getting back Oilers colors”
Harris County response:
“Yes sir, yes sir”
Cleveland had the guts and leadership to keep its colors. What did Cleveland do that Houston did not?
The chargers left San Diego but kept the colors. Adding salt to injury the nfl, yes the nfl allowed the l.a.fgchargers to wear the powder blue uniform. The same exact powder blue uniform that all San Diego Chargers fans cherished.
You can get annoyed, mad but you have to understand this once and for all. The nfl does not care about you the fan. They could care less and have proven it season after season.
Why in the world does Tennessee have anything to do with the Columbia blue/Oilers colors? Absolutely nothing but the adams family wants to stick it to Houston for as long as they can. What does that say to you?

Colors don’t belong to the city. They belong to the franchise.

The NFL didn’t tell us we couldn’t get the colors back. Bud Adams moved the FRANCHISE and everything that went with it.

Cleveland wasn’t allowed to “keep its colors”. They kept the franchise. Basically, the Ravens were a new franchise.

San Diego moved the franchise.

I get that Mark but Cleveland did indeed keep the name and the colors. They put enough pressure on the nfl to do so. There was constant raucous from Cleveland. They made it “National” and the nfl caved in because of populace repercussions.
As a long time San Diego Chargers ticket holder I was part of many to keep the colors and name in San Diego. The problem with San Diego is that at the same time San Diego was trying to broker a deal to get a franchise ASAP. The new SDSU stadium is built so it can accommodate and expansion and an nfl franchise.
Harris County could have done the same thing that Cleveland did. We all remember that L.A. was in the running for a franchise too. Years later it would benefit everyone to have the colors back in Houston. The nfl could tell the adams to do it this morning if they wanted to.

You’re still confusing “colors” with the franchise. Cleveland was allowed to keep the franchise because the NFL still wanted a franchise in that city.

Coogs win


You don’t remember the uprising from the Dawgs fans and the city of Cleveland? They made it happen. The nfl caved in. Anyways you remember it one way and I have a different recollection.

Sort of.

But what TravelingCoog says is correct. Cleveland kept the Browns franchise and all the history, records, colors, logos, etc. that went along with it; the old Browns team that moved became, in effect, a whole new franchise in Baltimore.

I went to college in Cleveland in the early 90s, and some of my fraternity brothers were big Browns fans, so I remember it all distinctly.

Of course it was a new franchise and so were the Texans.

If you look at the Tennessee Titan team records, you find:

  • All time passing leader: Warren Moon. Never played a down for the Titans.
  • All time rushing leader: Eddie George. Played one year for the Oilers and seven for the Titans.
  • All time receiving leader: Ernest Givens. Played nine years for the Oilers and never played a down for the Titans.
  • All time scoring leader: Al Del Greco. Played six years for the Oilers and 4 years for the Titans.

Allowing a city to retain the rights to the intellectual property and records of a franchise would have to be agreed upon by the NFL owners. As much as I would be in favor of it, I don’t see the NFL owners ever agreeing to it. If I was an owner, I would be thinking in the back of my mind “You mean I could lose everything about the franchise that I worked so hard to achieve? I vote no.”

The entire relocation process is an insult to every fan of the city where that franchise was.
Being the Fourth city in America the nfl knew that Houston had to get a team like at some point San Diego will get one too.
Here is why I am pointing this out. 99% of the time fans/voters pay for an nfl stadium. The nfl owners take tax payers hostage to fund a stadium. Right or wrong this should automatically have the franchise leave the home colors where they belong. In case it relocates.

I’m trying to understand how Modell was forced to leave the identity and Adams wasn’t. The two relocation announcements happened only three months apart. Modell had less than a year to create the Ravens brand so timing restraint couldn’t have been a factor

Bingo. The city of Cleveland hammered the nfl from the moment Modell thought about leaving. Harris County and the city of Houston could have done the same. How much did Harris County pay for the franchise and stadium? The nfl should have forced adams to leave the Oilers identity behind him. He is the one that wanted a “fresh” start. Remember how he was against Houston getting a franchise? What a…


The Oilers move made me realize that Pro teams are the city in name only. I only have loyalty to UH teams. I picked the University of Houston and i did the work to get my degree. All Pro fans are T-shirt fans.


Cursed unis cursed season

I dislike the Adams family. However, Bud Adams knew Bob Mcnair had a passion for NFL ownership and helped him along the path. In the early 1990s, Bud was vital in getting Bob McNair involved with the NFL which eventually led to expansion Houston Texans.

toupee bud was vital into keeping the unis. Give us the unis!!!

Because we wanted to rebrand ourselves and didn’t want to tie ourselves up in a legal battle waiting for approval. We have some great looks minus one kick as Luv Ya Blue hybrid.
The ones released now have been a huge hit and is at the perfect time. Over the course of time there is a chance we revisit the Houston Oilers retro look without having to risk everything else.

Has everything to do with the owners who left the city.

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Let’s just make sure whoever did the Texans unis don’t come anywhere near our campus.


They are garbage!! The most boring, dreary lack of color rubbish…The OILERS on their worst day had vastly better unis. WHY do you think Texans franchise tried to get the color and nickname? But Adams wouldnt give it up…I’m sick of hearing how it belongs to them…If thats true, wear columbia blue and call yourselves the Tennessee Oilers. They are the TITANS now…They have a different nickname, different uni…THEIR choice, not ours!!!