Nebraska Man Tells Hispanic Family To ‘Go Back to Their Country’ Before Shooting 7

Seriously. Cause illegal immigration is such a huge problem in Nebraska. /AlsoSarcasm


So the Uvalde shooter, you’re just going to chalk it up to _____? And leave it at that, heck, the news went up and down this guys life trying to figure out his motivation.

I’m not quite sure what you’re asking me or trying to say here.


WTF are you going on about? You know the Uvalde shooter was a citizen right?

In reference to the OP, I can only say it was a truly sick comment with the likely intention of getting these exact responses, you know, to own libruhls.

New low, seriously! :disappointed:

Yea, but non-white, right?

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No loophole advantage taker deserves to be shot! Jaaaaaaaaysus save us!:weary:

Boy, talk about those who want to sweep under the rug and point the fingers at others…

Of course no Orange person supporters hire illegals. Only Orange person hires illegals at his golf courses. But of course he doesn’t play golf as he promised.


How about the multiple rapes and murders in the recent weeks, one way to close to home besides Greens Bayou.

As far as that sadistic a$$hole in Nebraska, some geezers are evil and crazy.

Illegal immigration has the whole country on edge. It is not fair to U.S. citizens and the illegals are not getting what they were lead to believe they would get.

There is no country anywhere without a boarder.

I’m not on edge about asylum seeking immigrants at all. I think we need to update our immigration system however.

We’ve enjoyed the economic benefits of immigrants for some time, so I’m not sure what you mean about not fair to US citizens. Latest job numbers show there are 1.25 jobs for every unemployed

And tell us more about what you know about immigrants “ not getting what they were lead to believe they would get.”


As do we and process the vast majority of immigrants that cross. Sounds like you don’t
understand what our immigration laws say and how they are implemented. I’m all for having a discussion on how immigration laws can be handled better and improved.


No one understands the mess of immigration laws we have, me included, but the point is: a country is defined by its border and if that is not respected neither will its laws, customs, etc.

Yeah, screw the immigrants. Without them, our country is overflowing with upstanding moral/ethical law abiding citizens. Except that one guy who sells bibles to show that his perversion for porn stars and his behind him.

How do the authorities and business leaders in these red states accept all the illegal immigrants that are the overwhelming contributors to their murder rates such that they are higher than that of blue states?

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lol no… maybe for self-described geezers like yourself but for those of us in the real world we’re not pressed about it at all.


So what is your real world? What experiences have you had, what have you overcome. Tell me so I can learn from you. I’m always interested in new prospectives.

O Come, O Come Emmanuel, one of my favorites.

What I mean about U.S. citizens is that their schools, healthcare and other infrastructures are over crowded and stressed at their expense. Not only do they pay for them but they can’t utilize them as they should be able to use them.

The illegals are mostly job seekers not asylum seekers. They do provide economic benefit for those wanting cheap labor (lower wages without benefits) at citizens expense. Labor stats are a whole different always revising set of numbers, percentage and definitions. Participation %, full, part time, gig, not looking etc. No one knows the number of jobs there are, it’s estimated “interpreted” for and by whomever.

The illegals believe they are going to get jobs and a better life, what all humans want. Some get that but many more are preyed on by the cartels, homeless sleeping in public buildings and the streets. Some forced into sex trades, drug trades, what ever the cartel wants to pay their debt. They don’t believe that is what they’re coming for, but many get.

Hope that answers what I meant. Good night, geezers need our sleep.

Doesn’t have me on edge, what has me on edge is the level of anti-semitism.

This isn’t strictly a problem of immigration, it is also a problem of fiscal mismanagement or underinvestment by government. Elected leaders playing politics with the purse strings. That’s as much as I will say there without getting into partisan politics.

Boarders are to keep foreign Armies out. I am all for keeping the Mexican army from trying to take back New Mexico. I may give them Dallas.

The United States is the only country that people will risk their and their family’s lives to try to get into. They are desperate to become Americans, they want their kids to be Americans. They think being Americans is a great thing (because it is)

In my mind that isn’t a crime. In fact I admire the hell out of these people. They are very hard working people.

The United States is the only country if you come here and work hard and respect it’s laws you can become an American. You can’t go to France and become French. You can’t go to Germany and become German. You can’t go to Japan and become Japanese.

What needs overhauling are the immigration laws. They are ridiculous. The asylum laws are just a free ride to Houston.

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I’m definitely not on edge over immigration.

I do have concerns with how it’s being handled but it’s not something I think about much at all.

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