Nebraska Man Tells Hispanic Family To ‘Go Back to Their Country’ Before Shooting 7

We have had border crossings for 150 years. We have decided to make this political when in fact it’s economic. These people are good for the economy and they aren’t taking anyone’s jobs. Those jobs are readily available for any native born American that wants to get on a roof in Houston in July or in a field in Arizona in August.

The Faustian bargain we offer them is you do those horrible jobs and in return your children get a shot at a better life. They take it and they do a great job and their kids quickly assimilate.

I admire them. They ARE what makes America great. They are a far sight better than the ones that want to make america great again and their polar opposites.


I wish I could nominate this for post of the year. Brilliantly said.

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Agree, and we are currently at pretty much full employment which means we don’t have the people to do the jobs in any case.

And some want to make them out to be bad people but they aren’t, at least not the vast majority. They are far less likely to commit crimes than our g break population.

My concerns with immigration is the process is a frickin mess. And no one wants to do anything to fix that mess.


We’ve covered this before. Institute E-Verify for every single job. It’s that simple. Enforce it with criminal penalties. That will also force Congress into passing some legislation that provides temporary work documents. Wanna know who is here and where they live? This is low-hanging fruit.


No one wants to solve it. It’s a political football.

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There are two very stupid laws that need to be changed that will help. The asylum law which we have already covered and returning to your country of origin to start the citizenship process. No one who has been here for 5 years is going to go back to El Salvador to the start the citizenship process.

If you can prove you have been here for X years and you have no criminal record, citizenship should be filling out a few forms. Welcome to being an American, glad you are here and paying taxes.

For those that say we shouldn’t be encouraging breaking the law I would tell you that I drove to San Antonio yesterday on business. I broke the law as many times as I could get away with. This border debate is like saying we need way more cops to stop speeding. It is ridiculous, forever we have looked the other way. Do it again, it is good for us.

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Pretty sure they pay sales taxes and property tax if they own property. Even if they don’t own property, they pay a property tax indirectly though rent. So they do pay for hospitals and schools.

Also, I’m looking for any improvements staying at luxury hotels on the government’s dime.

I’m still not convinced that it’s not just a little bit because of racism. I’ve heard no one complain if Norwegian students overstay their visa. Has anyone?

What’s the threat, exactly, that would make someone shoot a kid in the face just for being brown?

Well, I complain about anyone whose presence in the country is illegal, regardless of their race or country of origin, and even if their presence here was initially legal, for whatever reason (student, tourist, etc).

If a person can’t respect our nation’s immigration laws enough to obey them and follow them, then it’s pretty foolish to suggest that they are “law abiding” in any general sense, or otherwise respect our nation’s laws. Disrespect (as demonstrated by disobedience of) for our immigration laws is indeed disrespect for the nation’s laws, PERIOD. Don’t try to qualify that in any way. It’s a binary yes/no situation.

I say that as a person whose wife was a legal US resident with a green card when I met her, and is now a naturalized citizen, and whose Mother in Law is now in the country on a green card (she previously entered on a visa). My wife sponsored her visa and green card packets and helped fill them out; I was there the whole time when both my wife’s citizenship application/process were being done, and my Mother in law’s visa and green card applications were being done.

I became very familiar with the LEGAL immigration process as a result of those experiences, so it’s not as though I don’t know anything about the topic.

For that matter, my grandfather came over from Italy as a legal US resident through Ellis Island in the 1920s. I got copies of his Ellis Island immigration paperwork when I visited the museum there.

And to be honest, I don’t have too much sympathy for those that don’t follow the legal immigration processes, though I’ll allow that there are plenty of children of such people that may have been born here or spent most of their lives here, and that should NOT have any legal culpability or blowback for their parents’ violations/lack of respect for our laws. It ain’t their fault that their parents were law breakers, after all.

I won’t dispute that there may be people that violate our nation’s immigration laws, and that obey other laws, but that doesn’t excuse their violations of our immigration laws, in my view. And as far as that goes, as a prosecutor, I’ve prosecuted and sent people whose presence in the country was illegal to prison for a wide variety of criminal offenses, even violent offenses, so believe me…there are plenty of people out there that disrespect BOTH our immigration laws, AND our criminal laws as well.

Students are vetted and are educated. Right? But yea that’s another loop hole to close.

I will say that there’s one aspect of our immigration laws that is a bit unfair/unjust.

Suppose a person is unlawfully present in this country, and they are convicted of or otherwise plead guilty to a criminal offense.

Most such people are subject to ICE holds and will be deported.

However, that pretty much never happens with Cuban immigrants. I’ve yet to see a Cuban immigrant deported, even those that are convicted of felony offenses.

To me, that isn’t fair. All illegal immigrants that are either convicted of or otherwise plead guilty to criminal offenses should be subject to removal. Is it just and fair that an immigrant from Cuba won’t be deported for a crime, and that an immigrant from most other countries will be?

Kids who are brought here are just as criminal as the parents, she should get educated at the internment camps for illegals, right? :smirk:

Say what Willis? Johnny was talking about college students here on education visas.

Yes, anyone who rents pays property tax, higher than homeowners who’s tax is determined using the Homestead exemption…+ the landlords profit on that elevated amount.

Lower class citizens pay a higher % of their income in taxes than middle and upper class citizens and its not close.

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Totally agree we went over all this on bunch of threads.

E verify with harsh employer penalties for violations would work. You then do a quota system for skilled and non skilled as needed along with true asylum seekers. This would be the immigration reform we need. Australia doesn’t let you move there unless you have money and many European countries simply won’t allow you in or at least won’t hire you if you illegally enter.

Issue is republican politicians and business owners cry saying we need this stopped yet they hire them and gov Abbott does the same. He won’t implement e verify with heavy fines but does token measures such as busing. I agree with busing but add e verify to it then I’ll think he’s serious.

The dems are at fault also bc they seem to want open borders which isn’t sustainable and no other country has our mess of continuing illegal immigration.

Final answer is e verify with heavy fines along with quotas like I mentioned above then the issue is mostly solved.

We know where they are. We like pontificate and bluster on the subject but we REALLY don’t want to do anything to stop it. Why? Because we like our food and our homes cheap.

They are at every construction site, every food processing plant, every farm and in the entire Central Valley of California. Go to any Mexican restaurant and go into the kitchen.

If you are driving in the morning and you see a bunch of guys waiting to be picked up, guess who they are.

They are important and they are amazingly hard working people.


Please stop with this line of thinking. It is not true.

Contrary to the “open border” myth, U.S. borders are guarded by a vast and well-funded national security agency that has grown far larger and more powerful in recent years. Since 2001, U.S. Border Patrol has nearly doubled in capacity, from fewer than 10,000 agents to now more than 19,500.

One would think that those perpetuating the “open border” myth would be eager to seize every opportunity to strengthen border security. Last year, however, a large majority of congressional Republicans voted against the bipartisan infrastructure bill, whichprovided billions of dollars to strengthen border security, among other investments in critical infrastructure.

The myth of “open borders” will persist in perpetuity for those who wish to find every way to get to a “no” vote on any kind of meaningful immigration reform. But progressive legislative action is needed more with each passing year. It’s time for Congress to debunk the “open borders” myth and act on a bipartisan basis to fix our broken immigration system


Literally a lie they tell themselves and willingly believe. Brain worms.


This article says leftists in the dem party want open borders to which the Democratic Party caters. The dem party also supports sanctuary cities. Why sanctuary cities? Well it’s to create a draw just like no e verify is a draw bc once you cross , you can get to a big city like Houston and a job bc no e verify so it’s a draw.

My hippie uncle says he supports the open border policy.

So the dems aren’t trying to solve it and their immigration reform is about path to citizenship which is a draw vs doing what Europe or Australia does or normal countries.

The republicans suck on the issue also bc they want cheap labor and no e verify.

So both suck.

Do we need workers, yes but let’s do a quota and true asylum deal bc all can’t be seekers.

So I really give up on this politically and I’ll not vote for either party when they say they want to fix it bc it’s bs. I’ll pick either party based on other issues alone.

As far a crime , we’ll I’m for fast execution for anyone killing someone if we really know they did it but that is another topic.

That article is an opinion piece from a guy that writes in conservative media.


Why did Republicans at the direction of Trump refuse to get behind the most significant border and immigration reform since the 80s?

It was a bipartisan plan and Republicans stood to get more than they wanted on some border issues. You can just toss out Dems want open borders, its not true, nor that they dont want reform, they do.

But please keep parroting your talking points that are not true.

Republicans in particular do not want reform and are using the issue for scare tactics to simply fund raise and have a photo op. Its their only remaining issue since they got Roe v Wade overturned.