Marked improvement

Did someone at the athletic building give Dana a new user name and password?


The truth is that Dana and belk suck. The team sucks. If you want to see them play and enjoy a good ars kicking every week thatā€™s your decision. I donā€™t have too.

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Your signature says DieHardCoog and I love it.
Donā€™t you remember the INELIGIBLE ut located in Austin driven probations?
Going 10-1 was an amazing accomplishment under these probations.
By 1991 these probations did what ut located in Austin wanted. Make us irrelevant.
Coach Jenkins is with CBY, Jack Pardee my all time favorite HC.


Techā€™s defense changed in the 2nd half. Most of the first half they were dropping 8 and hoping D Smith made mistakes. I guess that was his issue while at Tech. Finally in the 2nd half they brought pressure and our offense fell apart. Even with just 4 man rushes, they got pressure and Smith panicked. Our offense didnā€™t change or adjust in the 2nd half which was the problem.

As for RBs helping in pass protection, I am confused about that one. On 1st and 2nd down, we never seem to keep an RB in for protection. So why would Jenkins not be able to play on those downs? I get not having him out there for 3rd and long.

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The UH coaching staff needs to take the brunt of the criticism for the TT second half. TTā€™s defense made halftime adjustments and if UH made offensive adjustments at halftime, they didnā€™t work. Part of the game is making in-game adjustments, not just at halftime.

Do we know if UH made any offensive adjustments in the second half? I hope the answer is not ā€œThe offense was successful in the first half and there was no reason to fix something that is not broke.ā€

Good question about Jenkins. Thought it might have made sense to have a bigger back for blocking, but maybe not. Just doesnā€™t make sense.
There are other ways to deal with pressure like quick passes to the flat or quick slants. That didnā€™t seem to work. Instead, like you say, Donovan was in panic mode. Iā€™m pretty sure heā€™s not the right guy, but looks like weā€™re stuck with him.

Iā€™ve never see us make in-game adjustments in the CDH era. Just look at the Rice game. We were incapable of making any changes till halftime and it quickly got out of hand.

I donā€™t think we got wore out but got worn out lol

Dana would know and I donā€™t think heā€™s lying .

I want some wins but Iā€™d rather be big12 and 6 and 6 or 7 and 5 than 11 and 1 in Cusa or the aac because people say yeah , you didnā€™t play anyone etc . 2016 was unique bc we played OU and Louisville and won but itā€™s tough cheese scheduling those and having the team that can win the yr we do schedule like that.The big 12 offers us a chance to have many good teams to play then when good, we can win and get respect. This is a big adjustment initially bc think back if we had just 4 p5 teams on an aac or Cusa schedule, youā€™d say wow itā€™s going to be a tough slate. Like I said before we do need 2 easy wins a yr then the 1 p5 ooc. Winning the 2 easy ones builds momentum like sec teams do then hope to win half the conf games most yrs.

So Iā€™m gonna do like red80 says and enjoy things and not worry and simply show up

We have 4 more home games then that is it for another yr


Although ā€œthriceā€ is used as a noun the impact is undeniable.


What does this say about our coaching staff?
Second half?

It looked as if he could have scored at will.

He is still goingā€¦

You are correct. Whatever adjustments we did were completely off base. The last time we did any adjustments that worked was at the Rice game.

To have a really competent 5 man secondary, the other 6 up front must be strong, effective, and above average and we just are not. I expressed my concern before the season that our LBs were weak, but I thought our DL would be better than it has shown to date. If we are going to play a 5 man secondary, we just canā€™t be weak in the LBs or DL and be effective. Weā€™re certainly not above average up front.

So, we must have better coaching of the players we have. We have to be coaching them up and using defensive schemes to best take advantage of their talents and try to compensate for our weaknesses (LBs). We need to have schemes that put the players we have into better positions for success.

Since 2019 with CDH we are 1-13 against P5 of which 0-12 current BigXII. We will be very lucky to go 6-6 with CDH in control. Fan base will disappear if CDH stays.

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itā€™s just that last year it wasnā€™t Big 12 football!! Excuses are likeā€¦everybodyā€™s got one and they all stink!!

Iā€™m with you. Our LBs are weak. Nothing like years past

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If the powers that be decide to keep CDH, heads better roll on the defensive coaching side.

Dana is helping our fanbase adjust quickly to the new reality. Regardless of who the coach is, 6-6 the first year in the Big 12 or as a ā€œdown seasonā€ is good. By only winning 2 or 3 games, we will appreciate 6-6 much better next season. Itā€™s a new reality now. Going forward some years 9-3 could get you in the playoffs.

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Shame we didnā€™t keep Joe Cauthen as DC. His defenses were sound everywhere heā€™s been. In 2020, his D at UH ranked 16th in the nation, a far cry from where we are today.


But we were 7-5 in AAC last year. Weā€™ve only had 1 G5 season with 11 regular season wins and we finished top 10. Weā€™ll never finish top 10 going 6-6 in the Big 12