Marked improvement

Watching film is not an acceptable way to evaluate football on CoogFans. Get outta here and don’t come back until you have some NFL-lite level hot takes!

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All I know is when it comes to scheme, there is no improving perfection! :rofl:

I have watched replays of most of the games. Two thins about the TT game:

  1. DS came out on fire. And the receivers caught everything. I wondered if he would be able to keep it up through the whole game. Seemed like a totally different offense in the 2nd half

  2. When we play zone, almost every time their WRs web to the flat out guys looked like they had no idea who was supposed to take that guy. Almost every time there was nobody writhing 5 yards. Then it would occur to the player who was to cover that area that it was his guy. You could see the light bulb/panick go off that he missed his assignment.

Agree. The secondary looked confused most of the game. Lots of blown coverages