Hows the crowd look?


Aggy math: :fu:How many, Quant?


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Once again 103 degrees at 6pm and still had 30+thousand fans there. The biggest gap was the section above the students that stares directly into a solar flare for half the game. Students were en fuego


35k imho. That would be my estimate. I don’t think 37k but overall a good crowd. At times we got loud but there wasn’t a lot of offensive action to get fired up about.

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Two words:

“yell practice”

That is all.

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To end the bickering why doesn’t someone just do a foia request for how many tickets were scanned?

I don’t give a flip either way because I see my friends and spend time with my brother.

There were a LOT of empty seats but it doesn’t matter. But if it matters to someone, find out the real number and lay it to rest.

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Nope. That was real. A lot of older crowd in my sections. They don’t acknowledge the team when they come out of the locker room to go onto the field. They just sit there and stare. Few get up and yell for the defense. It’s as if I’m at a Rockets game.

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Great pic.
Hey @TAMU91 pictures don’t lie and this one sure makes your 60 percent claim a lie. Upper deck is packed


The home side rarely gets up and cheers or cheers at all it seemed like. They did once as a group at the end.

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Bitchin’ about attendace, man football season is back baby!


The sun was brutal on the visitor side until around 7:15. If you have a picture while the sun was up, you had people hiding out in the concourse section.

For being as hot as it was, the tailgating was pretty good as well.


Very true on both.

As hot as it was, that was the best tailgate I’ve hosted in years.


Top 10 atmosphere week 1?? :eyes:




Top 10? That seems a little sus. Anyone have pics of tailgaiting in blue lot? I didn’t get there till around 515 or so and it was kinda dead. Maybe most people had already headed toward stadium?

Penn State being #1 is believable. I’ve been to 2 PS games in Happy Valley, one against Ohio State and one against a middling Big 10 team. Both times it was like the super bowl. Tailgaiting is legit over there.

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Many of our fans go to the concourses but if they all got in their seats , it was 37k.

Lol, that’s one of those X accounts that posts various rankings to get traffic. Can’t accuse him of being Coog biased though. His opinion would be what a casual fan flipping to our game would think, fwiw

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Great crowd it was pretty filled. Everyone in my section showed up.

Haven’t heard the ref ever on the speakers.

The happy hour thing they were scrambling to find out what cougar fries were

Cougar fries are curly fries
Where the tent with the merch is to the left is the patron patio for the happy hour drinks.
Fry shack is next to that.

You can publish your own list too

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