How are we feeling about our fans

When we played Washington State the tickets in NRG were included in season ticket package. Also, Cougar pride did its best to get us tickets in NRG that were comparable to TDECU seats. Now this game, if I remember correctly, was not considered to be in the “Texas Kick Off”.

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It was when we played OU and TT.

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I dont care what it is. I hate NRG mausoleum. They better be paying us UBER money to move a home game there.


I am looking forward to LSU vs Houston in 2027. With LSU’s football history and huge fan base in Houston, I think that game will easily surpass OU vs UH in 2016 for pregame hype. By 2027, UH should have closed the talent gap in recruiting. That game will be a marquee event in Houston that season.


I agree with every word. Glad to meet you!

Good to hear (read?). Past history at TCU was different. After moving to the Big 12, the big games that got moved to Jerry World (LSU and Ohio St), both suddenly were not included in season tickets.

I worked with a number of UH alums and they sent their kids to other out of town schools.
They told me they attended during the mid 1990s to early 2000s and our administration who didn’t care about sports and bad football team probably didn’t peak their interest.
I spoke to a few of them and they were not the type of UH grads who follow athletics or sports in general.

I did tell them to consider UH as a choice for their kids since we are Tier 1 but that went no where.
I asked them if they have been back to see TDECU Stadium or Fertitta Center and they had no clue what those are.
On some Fridays, they wear the other school shirts of their kids or their spouse.

Legacies is a loaded, unfair topic, kids do what they want. My wife’s parents BOTH went to Baylor she went to UH, money was no issue. I spent my life planning to go to ATM because my grandpa went there, he was buried in an Aggie tie. I spent the night at ATM with the Corp and was not impressed so once UH offered me a ton of alumni scholarship money I came to UH. Both my parents went here but they wanted me to make the decision for myself.


I went to UH, graduated in '95. My three kids toured UH and several other schools in Texas. One chose UT and the other two chose Baylor. It’s their decision and I stand behind them. I’m proud of them. Those schools were right for them, just like UH was right for me.


That is a great backstory on your family.
It’s good that you made the decision to be a Coog.

My main issue is that some UH grads I met with told me that UH was a fall back choice or backup option for them and now think their kids are too good to attend here and not even put UH up for consideration.


I get that, tcoog. I’ve come across a couple of people who have degrees for UH, but cheer for ATM and OU. Dude, those schools didn’t want you.


Going into my junior year in high school, coach Briles came by my high school to recruit a few players from my football team and he sold me on heavily considering UH.
My high school football coach also played at UH so I already knew where I was headed.

I got accepted to UT and A&M back in 2008 but UH was my main choice when I graduated high school as they gave me the most grants and scholarship money as I wanted to be a part of the students who achieved Tier 1 back in 2012 which was my senior year here.


To me, I get the whole not choosing the school for the kid situation. But I just wonder how many from our fanbase are more devoted towards their kid’s team as opposed to UH? How many send all their money and actually go to their kids school’s games as opposed to UH. I wonder if that’s a thing within our fanbase and if that also contributes to the empty seats.


As much as we crap on the Horns and Aggies, they developed a generational pipeline from grandparents to parents and then to kids, which leads to having school pride and showing up to support athletics.

I know some grads from UT who had kids that did not get accepted during the end of high school but allowed them to enroll at one of the UT system schools to transfer to UT later on.
Aggies send their kids to Blinn JC so they can transfer in to A&M.

It all goes down to what type of UH alums or fans are out there but these are the types I have encountered.

  1. You got the UH fan who went to UH as a fall back/backup plan who wants nothing to do with UH after graduation but will support their parents alma mater.
  2. The UH fan who loves Cougar athletics and takes their kids to the game to hopefully encourage them to attend in the future.
  3. The UH fan who was a first generation graduate but wants their kids to attend other out of town schools to get a better experience.
  4. The UH fan who married a spouse who went to another P5 school and supported them instead.
  5. The UH grad who only supports when the team is good but nowhere to be seen during the tough times.
  6. The UH grad who rather supports professional sports instead of UH athletics.

You’re trying to simplify it too much with cougar colored glasses.

UT and aTm are top academic schools, not only in the state, but the country. So kids are automatically going to gravitate to them. and if their parents went there then it’ll influence whether they choose either of the two schools. That’s what makes it generational but the fact that the kids qualified to get in is the primary determination.

I know two Harvard graduates and their sons chose to go to Stanford instead of accept automatic legacy admission. The kids decide where they want to go.

I was accepted at Tx Tech in1978 but chose UH to graduate debt free, I have 3 brothers so my parents couldn’t afford to pay 4 tuitions. Great choice for me and the report below is proof that the private universities and additional expense may not be best choice, UH should be at least considered for a true diverse college experience.

A new study by e-learning platform, says Texas has six universities with the most CEO graduates.

  1. University of Texas
  2. Texas A&M University
  3. University of Houston
  4. Southern Methodist University
  5. Baylor University
  6. Trinity University

As a percentage, the Texas private schools beat out the public ones for creation of CEOs.


At a higher cost.

A better metric would be CEO’s of profitable companies. I know a UT guy who has his own company but hasn’t made a profit in the four years he’s been in business.

I thought about that as well, I also thought when I am hiring do I care if someone went to SMU, UT, UH or Sam Houston not really. So for me the higher tuition is a waste of money, I’ve had Notre Dame MBAs and Princeton MBAs working for me and they were no better than the small state grad. I support UH wish more people were proud and didn’t feel they needed to send kids somewhere else but I think once people have success going to the inner city school is not something done in the suburbs.


THIS…funny how many Proud UH Alums feel UH is not an acceptable for their children for XYZ reasons.

They just really do not want them to attend the University of Houston.

Matt Thomas is a perfect example…i listen to him everyday and he is so proud his two sons selected Texas Tech and Texas A&M (via the JC route).

He still has a daughter in HS- im going to guess she doesn’t end up at UH.

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Just out of curiosity were you a first generation college grad? Many of us had no choice but to stay home and work. But kids that have parents with college degrees are given a wider list of opportunities (i.e. Mom and Dad footing the bill).