How are we feeling about our fans

The past doesn’t have to predict our future. It could be different this time around. The SWC was our first big conf and maybe we took it for granted. I think our fans are hungrier this time around bc of being in the desert for 25 yrs so we’re glad to be inside. Things can change like with bb.


We are going to average somewhere between 33-36K this year we are in the BIG12. I already have people asking me for tickets.


I also won’t let winning or losing affect whether I attend bc I never have but now the games are an event and big time. I think more fans will feel that way knowing we face tougher competition vs in the past. In the past losing to Tulsa sucked but losing to tcu sucks way less.


Dana should NEVER complain about Pez. Pez gave him a ton of years and cash when nobody was competing for his services.


I don’t think many alumni “send” their kids to other schools as much as they “allow” them to. People need to allow their kids to make their own path and not try to shoe horn them into their choices. It’s like guys that force their kids to play a sport they played even though the kid doesn’t want to.

I told my kids I would pay for them to go anywhere they wanted except UT. Both went to UH, though my son never graduated. My daughter was a Cougar Doll and loves UH though I think she majored more in sorority than her degree choice; but she graduated and is now teaching.


You are on the right path with your 2 kids.

But I have met a number of UH alums who encourage their kids to go to other universities to get a “real” college experience since they didn’t get that at UH.
I don’t blame them wanting better for their kids but to not even give them the opportunity to take a campus visit and see the improvements the past decade is not a good look.

Many people don’t realize this but encouraging our kids to go to UH is the low hanging fruit and easiest way to build our fanbase for generations like the Horns and Aggies.


I went to UH in the late 70s and early 80s, and my experience with UH athletics, and in particular football, was not good. IMHO the alienation of the students back in those days have had a direct effect on the subpar attendance today. UH blew its opportunity to get, and keep, a whole generation of fans. UH played in the Astrodome and people paid just to see the thing. Back then, the student ticket book was flat out insulting. Tix for football were in the nosebleed seats above the end zones. To me it seemed UH didn’t give a damn about students attending games. There was very little emphasis on games in the press (except for brief write ups by the Daily Cougar) or around the campus. (The Post and the Chronicle bowed to the alter of the cows and the farmers.) Very few activities occurred surrounding the games, and there was very little outreach to the students. Tailgating at the Dome was nil. It was almost as if the UH administration was indifferent to sports except for PSJ overwhelming them with publicity. It took me a long time to get over the indifference the UH administration showed toward athletics. Then UH got banished to college athletic Siberia (thanks cows!) and I lost interest in UH athletics after I graduated and left Houston in the 80s. I didn’t get interested in UH athletics again until Briles showed up and made UH football at least fun to watch. Building the new stadium on campus was one of the best things UH ever did and it looks like the administration is actively going after the students to get them to games and keep them interested. Maybe the next generation will show up to Big 12 games. I go to games when I can, but I sure as hell wasn’t flying halfway across the country to watch UH play Marshall or ECU. I have been to several bowl games and a couple of games at TDECU the it’s a blast. Hopefully, the attendance will improve with the new emphasis on sports and students actually residing on campus.


Not to
mention just being in Houston. Its a selfish city where people take pride in what they are associated with. People don’t associate with institutions to create pride. People will jam a football stadium for 25 years to watch a semi-pro team just so they can tell their office mates they have NFL tickets. When word got out that Robertson tailgating was the bomb I knew a handful of people that just came out for the tailgate. They could care less about the university or the game.

In order to win the attendance game you have to defeat Houston indifference. And that usually means winning…a lot.

Dana isn’t going to generate one additional seat by belly-aching to the press in Dallas. He just needs to not give up 77 points and start beating the Hell outa people. When he does that Houstonians will wreck their leased cars getting to TDECU.


Go to Coaches Show and let him know just what he needs to do. He may not have thought of that.


^^^This. It looks like it worked out for basketball. Even during sh*tty non-conference games last year, the stands were 90% filled.

Football needs a winning season and a Heisman candidate. Then they need to sustain winning success. They also need to schedule a game each season on opening weekend at NRG against a big OOC opponent. I’d say start with LSU or ATM and sign a long term contract. Even entertain a Superdome/NRG split for 6 years with LSU. We need that primetime linear exposure week one every season for the next 5-10 years just so people know who we are.

We’re Big 12 now so we are an opponent that doesn’t carry much risk for another big conference opponent to sign a multi-year deal with.


Is this a personal shot? I’m a fan, and I have a big ass.


You mean 3 conference titles in 30 years isn’t enough?

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You’re going to like the 2027 schedule then:


Always torn on games like this at the local NFL stadium. I like seeing big name teams in the home stadium but now it seems they all get moved to a neutral site stadium.

Was the last Texas Kickoff type game at NRG included in season tickets or an extra charge?

I heard there are mini plans available. Sam Houston, TCU, and Texas maybe starting at $66 dollars. I know I looked and Baylor has mini plan, TT, UH, Tx State, and UT starting at $299 but that is a pretty good slate of games.


The $66 miniplan is the Cougar Paw package which is any 3 games EXCEPT Texas. Our miniplan with Texas is the Lone Star package which is UTSA, TCU, Sam and Texas which is $140 and are bad seats currently best available is 301 row 20.

For reference you can get a full season ticket in 304 row 7 for $35 more or even closer to midfield on the northside with the cool restrooms. That mini plan is a teaser to get you to buy season tickets.

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Do the parents send or do the kids choose?

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I did not see the coverage referred to but publicly complaining about your boss could be career limiting.

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Hopefully we have a coach who can field a competitive team by 2027. I will be 69 years old that year so tick tock.