How are we feeling about our fans

We finally made it back. The excuses about who we play should be gone. Lots of regional rivals on the schedule now, state bragging rights in the majority of games. Will our fans show up strong and loud throughout the year no matter the record?


More fans will show for UH and from our competitors but as always we will have better crowds when we win, play “name” teams, better weather, etc


“I know something better. If the coaches show up the fans will show up.”


I believe that most of the real Cougar fans are very excited about going into the Big XII, and they will support UH no matter what happens in the field. However, we will have some so called Cougar fans, specially in this web site that will b
 and complain about the head coach, players, other fans, and many other things. Those fans are never happy about anything and after the first game they will call for HCD’s head because that is how they are. They are the experts when it comes to sports. My hope is no to hear about those type of fans. Have a great day Cougar fans. Go Coogs.


Let’s not forget it’s too hot😎


I’m hoping for the Oilers effect. The Texans have sold out ever game since coming back.


I’m not worried, but if we start losing then we’ll probably see empty seats


I could do No Country For Old Men quotes all day. I might start communicating only in No Country For Old Men gifs from now on.


I feel great about myself.


I love my fans, but i wish I had this 84" for my patio.


We have terrible fairweather fans minus the core 15k.

If all of the circumstances are aligned the rest will come. Play Louisville, Texas, TCU, OU, conference championship, 70 degree weather, a coach that motivates, no kids soccer game, etc. UH is getting better but we have 1/4 the support or less of some schools.

This year we will be fine but if we have a loaing season don’t expect more than 20-25k average next year.


With bigger crowds, and our bleacher seating, comes the concern for our Big Ass Fans.


What Dana doesn’t understand is that he’s complaining about Pezman. Its Pez that has to get fair-weather fans to the stadium. Its not the people in UH gear listening the B12 media days. They’ve already bought more tickets than they can use.

I suggest he get out there with a bullhorn like Sampson did and get students engaged.

I’ll bet there are thousands of students that don’t know who he is.


No, he is not complaining about Pez. UH has had problems getting fans at games since I began being a Coog in 1976 and review of the years before show that it has always been a problem. You can’t force people to go to games and our fans have been among the worst in college football. For example, in 1973 we were 11-1 yet, except for our game against Rice which had 43917, our next highest attendance was 27587 followed by home games against Wyoming and Tulsa which had 18441 and 21500 in announced attendance.

As members of the SWC, the only games we could depend on having large crowds were against UT, aTm, and Arkansas. At those games it looked like the visitors were the home team. Even with Tom Herman and a 13 win season, in 2015 we 5 home games with announced attendance below 33K. Coming off that season in 2016 we had our best attendance in the TDECU with our game against the "Ville having an announced attendance of 42822. And that was with Herman who so many on here worship as the best salesman ever for the program.

You just sometimes have to admit that we have a sorry fan base for such a large school with so many alumni in the area. No, our attendance woes are not the fault of Pez or Holgorsen.


My point is why bring this up to national media? Are they going to bring fans? Its like being elected to be head of the rotary club and making your wife’s bad breath part of your speech.

No, its not Pez’ fault that our fans suck. Its his responsibility to fix it. The fans Dana is talking to already buy tickets!!!


I am pretty sure that our attendance woes are not a secret kept out of the media. It was definitely a factor in us being G5 for so many years. We have had some pretty good AD’s starting with Harry Fouke thru Rhoades and none have been able to crack that nut.


That is one thing that stands out from my early memories of playing at the dome, the visitors(especially Aggies) could fill up the place. I don’t want a repeat of that at TDECU. It can be a home feild advantage if we duplicate that energy of the Louisville game


Consistency is whats escaped our program since Yeoman left. Everytime we succeed, a larger program comes along and takes our coaches and recruits. Hopefully with Big 12 admittance we can correct this issue, establish some consistency, and follow the example that the basketball program has set.


When a majority of our graduates who live in the local area don’t come to games because of the team sucking or bad scheduling, there is not much we can do.

I’m sure we know plenty of UH grads who only went to UH as a fall back plan and have no pride.

Look at how Sampson is selling out Fertitta Center now, but it took 4+ years of being in the top 25 for the fanbase to buy in.

Then you have the UH grads who send their kids to other schools which causes a generational lapse and we wonder why we cannot fill the stadium.


Aggies have a fanbase that is multi-generational which is something UH is 50+ years behind.