Future Realignment Thread

That’s because all but two of their teams departed.

I’m not predicting that here.

I’m predicting 8 or so leaving.

That would still leave at least 10 schools, more than enough to still have a conference, albeit a devalued one.

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If eight schools leave the espn media contract is no longer. THAT is what matters.

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Yes, but I believe that it would be renegotiated for the remaining schools at a LOWER rate.

As I said, DEVALUED.

These eight leave? The new acc contract will look like an aac contract at best. If this happens you can expect the Western Schools to bolt.

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My point exactly.

It’ll be AAC 2.0, with a TV contract with not much more value.

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We are far from there but I sure hope Yormark secures FSU arrival along with others. If we do not get FSU or Clemson the p2’s are officially in control and we are a g5+. This is how monumental as we have seen it.

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Yeah I think the problem for the other ACC teams is that there may not be any place to go. I mean, who is beating down the door for BC, WF, Syracuse, and NC State?

Some pro-ACC people think the ACC is already devalued and therefore, that conference without its 3 or 4 most valuable schools will still be at the correct price point so that ESPN will extend the contract in 2027.

If we are talking football, Wake Forest, Boston College, NCST and Syracuse are not better football brands than what is in the Big 12.

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Everything is always a negotiation. Can they come to a meeting of the minds? If FSU is looking to banks for financing, they’re making an offer to say, “We know we can owe you $500M of the next 12 years and you’ll get that over the next 12 years. What if we give you $400M right now?” If you’re the ACC, more importantly the schools, do you take it? There are many ACC schools that could use an extra $30-35M dollars. Especially if the rest of the ACC stays intact.

TV contracts are up for negotiations again around 2031. Unless you have morons running negotiations (PAC-12) your next contract will probably be larger, significantly. I don’t see FSU as B1G material. So, how much pull does UF have in the SEC? They’re not A$M and we’re talking FSU not UT… They’re a charter member of the SEC. They could probably talk to some of their SEC brethren and get any invite quashed. In that case, FSU’s only option is the Big XII. Going independent is financial suicide.

Now, FSU can probably pull this off. How many other ACC schools can? You know FSU isn’t going to do anything until it knows it has an offer in hand from another conference. Adding CAL/Stanford/SMU was adding a poison pill to make it more difficult to dissolve the league.

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Dude, get FSU to the Big 12 out of your mind. It’s not happening. They are not coming to the Big 12 just to make a little more money.

It would have to be a group effort of FSU, Clemson, UNC and Notre Dame to get the per school pay up to the other P2s. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING!


YOU keep saying its going to be less than a 4 school raid. I think it will be bigger to get a P2 of 2 x24.

A raid is by the P2…that’s the bump UP schools will pay a penalty fee.

Joining the Big 12 is NOT a raid…its a life boat but the CAL/Stanford/SMU additions ENSURED there would be a ACC post a 1-4 school raid.

As we’ve learned wirh the Oregon State/Washington State STAYING in the Conference means Those left standing get the penalty/Conference payouts as those who LEFT forfeit that $$.

Why in the world would a ACC school foreit hundreds of millions to go to the Big 12…not happening.

I still think you fail to understand the brilliance of the 3 school expansion by the non p2 worthy ACC schools.

The conference will survive!

Dude the acc contract is up for re-negotiation in 2027. Marquee schools leave and it has to be seven/eight the acc media contract is void. This allows espn to re-distribute its money how they see fit. espn does not have the acc contract anymore? They will want to “muscle up” the sec even more and improve the BIG12 at the detriment of the big10. It is about business and if it makes sense for espn to have FSU land into the BIG12 they will improve our contract. Remember DUDE you/I do not know what will happen. Every possibility is on the table if FSU gets out.

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No I don’t.

I keep saying that most likely FSU, Clemson, UNC, and UVA will be history, and headed to P2s.

That’s what nearly all the pundits are saying.

Which board have YOU been reading?

And at that point, four or so more teams to the Big 12.

Roughly eight departures in all, just as I wrote above.

Seven/eight schools leave? espn does not have to pay a dime to the acc. espn can then increase our contract with adding premier acc schools. espn wants to counter the big10 at all cost. espn will be able to re-direct the acc media money to us. Do not discount anything.

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Which ACC schools would draw TV interest and local ticket-buying interest if they joined our Big 12?

Miami, FSU, NC State, Va Tech, Syracuse? We have played every one of them in Football in days gone by.

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Here’s the thing.

What if ND stupidly wants to remain in the ACC as a non-football member?

That might be enough to save the conference.

Yes everyone has to look at realignment from the espn, fox, nbc and cbs point of views. What is it for them?
How can they generate more ratings?
How can espn maximize its advertising sale?
How can espn counter the big10 and vice versa?
We have a precedent to look at. espn wanted to kill the BIG12. That is an undeniable fact. Now they have three “mouths” to feed:
sec, BIG12 and acc.
If you were espn would you rather kill one conference or keep the status quo?
“Muscling up” the BIG12 at the detriment of the big10 makes all the sense in the world from a business point of view while reducing your expenses.

ND can broker any deal(s) they want with a newly “muscled up” BIG12, sec or big10?

You would think.

But for some reason they seem to prefer the ACC over the B1G.