Dana says life in the Big 12 is hard

He won two NY6 Bowls, right?

If things are hard, why doesnā€™t CDH look for something easier?

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Talk about con artists, Tom Herman was one of the best. He was super lucky to have Greg Ward and players like Elandon Roberts. His luck ran out at UT. Avoid this loser like the plague!


Maybe the Spirit of Houston band can play ā€œItā€™s a Hard Knock Life for Usā€ everytime Dana comes on the field


I guess thatā€™s one way to look at it. Still worked twice as hard as the current con artist CDH. And twice as effective.


Herman wore the grill. He had people believing, which is part of a coachā€™s job. Nobody believes in Dana Holgorsen, from fans to recruits to his own players. Itā€™s over.

I donā€™t expect Herman to ever be back, but those were two extremely fun years that he was a big part of.


Hermann was trying to get out of town as soon as he arrived so he was ultra aggressive in getting his name and program out there

Does he have that same motivation this time around? Better yet would pet cede control to him?

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Hermie boy is 4-6 at FAUā€¦nobody wants him, including usā€¦


Yep. Herman had one foot out the door the entire time he was here. Everything he did here was to burnish his credentials and make him look better to P5 schools. We were nothing more than a stepping stone to him.

FAU can keep him.


Thatā€™s EVERY college coach.

The question is if herman came back could he energize the UH football program and fanbase.

The answer is yes because he has proven he can.

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CDH must have forgotten he has a lot of say for play callingā€¦ He is either clueless or is having a big laugh at our considerable expense.

Herman is not coming back. Heā€™s an arrogant tool. All his bridges were set ablaze as he exited. And as far as energizing, has anyone checked his current record at Florida Airport?

0% chance we want Herman back. Too much damage created and Khator could never trust him. Also, there is 0% chance we create the same type of lightening in a bottle with him. CDH is not recruiting as well as Levine did and the schedule is now way harder plus we know what he is now and wonā€™t be entranced by him.

I think 99% of us are ready to move on from CDH but Herman ainā€™t the guy.


If Herman was killing it, Iā€™d entertain the thought but heā€™s not. Moving on.


Yea but hid did more with them than Levine could.


Rather have a coach that sells the team on wanting to win.

Than a coach that sells the fans on why it was ok to lose.


Yes. I agree heā€™s not coming back.

All Iā€™m saying is that he had the ability to energize the program.

ā€œHad the abilityā€ is correct. That ship has sailed

Yes but for him it was obvious he was always trying to get out

Just like sumlin and others who drum up fake interest to keep money hemorrhaging you when you donā€™t have to give them anything cause their under contract

You want that also?

It takes a special person to coach here - they have to understand the city dynamics first, school second and then the school needs to understand their aspirations lastly so everyone is one the same page

We know Dana just wanted to be back in Houston

Outside on Bill Snyder at KSU I canā€™t think of many situations where bringing back an ex worked out.

Having said that we canā€™t deny that CTH brought a culture to the program that was infectious and something we surely need now. I donā€™t want to bring back Herman but it would be nice to have someone with charisma that will not only get the alumni base excited but would hopefully generate buzz in the city as well.

We all know that we are competing for eyeballs and interest in a city with lots of alternative outlets for sports/entertainment $$$. No need to list them all again.

Obviously that guy would need to be able to coach and recruit. Or again like Herman, be able to put together a staff that can excel at those things. I remember talking to the newly formed staff at the first ā€˜Meet the New Coachā€™ event when Herman was hired at whatever place that was on Richmond Ave. They were really fired up. Several said specifically that they couldnā€™t wait to get out on the recruiting trail and spread the word, etc, etc.

Bottom line for meā€¦find someone with some fire.

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