Concerning scene on UH Campus

Although I don’t like folks wearing another schools shirt on our campus that should be the least of our problems.

I am sure there are students on our campus with all sorts of ungodly thoughts running through their heads. The shirt is the least of our problems.

Our school is in a metropolis. We will never be A&M or UT in our dress or way of being.

LMAO Those weren’t UT students. I thought they were too. I believe they didn’t have shirts on.

Get enough students, we will statistically have a few Texas T-shirt fans,

Maybe UT Austin athletes entering the portal, touring the campus


Probably plants by the evil cow…to rub it in our face. Austin only 2-2.5 sometimes 1.5 hrs depending how fast you drive :laughing: from Houston.

I had class with a guy who was always decked out in Boise State gear. This was during their heyday so not sure if he was just a fan or what. Was also during the Keenum era at UH.

Hmmm, mocking the Great Case? Audacity or stupidity, dunno

Maybe they ere looking for that upside down heifer flag

Well it’s not that way any more and really hasn’t been in quite some time.

Hope so since I haven’t attended a class since 1970 lol. But the concern by the poster was that so many students wear UT gear so maybe they just can’t qualify there?

Not a fan of that one. I don’t wear TCU when I am on the UH campus or at a UH game.

To each their own of course, but to me it seems sad when you are on one campus (at least on regular class days) wearing another schools shirts. Seems like an unhappy way to be wanting to be somewhere else when you are already at a good school (in the UH case).


Last time I visited campus, the students were wearing more UH shirts and Cougar Red than when I was there in the 90’s and nobody gave a rats rear-end about our athletic program.

We’ve made progress, but still have a good ways to go.


Chill about the UT shirt. That is one of the unique traits about UH. We welcome all and there is no judgement. Maybe a sports fan who can be converted.

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Well, when I was in law school at UH, there were way more people with UT and aTm undergrad degrees than UH degrees.

They often wore their previous school’s gear to class.

I asked a guy once why he would always wear Aggie gear to class and he said he’s only taking courses at UH to save money and he’s transferring to AtM :roll_eyes:
At the game Saturday, I may have witnessed the dumbest individual sitting in front of me. Wearing burnt orange, cheering for the cows, but kept apologizing and telling me hes a Bauer alumn and donates “lots of money” to UH. Claimed he has basketball and football season tix, but his whole family is UT and he always wanted to go there. Legit idiot…


I do wonder how many UH grads were at the game in orange.

My one semester at Sam I had a girl in 3 or 4 of my classes. Everyone she would meet she would say some version of, “I’m only here for one semester, then I’m transferring to A&M”. She seemed like a genuinely nice person, so I told her as politely as I could, she was insulting everyone she met.

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Any UH students\grads that wore their UT tee-shirts should have been arrested and tortured.

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So how many people at the game wearing baby diaper orange NEVER attended a class at UT Austin?


I will say there have been major shifts in this for better than a decade.

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At least half of them.

My sister is a UT grad. She wore red because we were raised to be Coog fans.