Coaching carousel

Uhhh, u beat me by few secs. Big Splash is not always the way to go. I thk he can run big Program just fine.

If I was Kentucky or Arkansas I would snap up Beard
had he not screwed up at Texas he probably would have had them a top 10 team


while i would love getting otz out of the big 12, kentucky may become 22-24 uconn levels of terrifying if otz gets all the resources in lexington vs in ames lol


Kentucky still has PTSD from Gillispie

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Imagine if he was 10 years younger Coogfans would be in shambles every offseason ala Judas Priest in football :writing_hand:

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Beard already said No to Arky last week.

He would have been great there but I think he would also be great at Kentucky

but that screw-up tho



Coaches are human. Ask Coach Sampson.
And all charges were dropped against Beard.
Regardless of his private life he is a proven coach

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Yes all charges dropped by battered female.

Edit: i should prob say I don’t know who technically drops charges, but I believe female didn’t want to pursue

Not sure it’s a hey we’re all human thing, but ok.

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Yep. Who di you like?

Did she start a few fights?
Regardless who started or finished fights it was wrong on both sides.
Aren’t they still together?

I wouldn’t want Beard to coach at my school


I really don’t know who started the fights, but not sure a man should be finishing them. Wrong on both sides perhaps but feels extra wrong on the man’s side
 maybe just me (prob not just me) but I’d like to think I would try to leave the scene before I finished it.

Don’t know if they’re still together but prob not unheard of for women to remain in abusive relationships. I personally wouldn’t see that as a justification.


Chris Beard grabbed her and squeezed her wrists because she wouldn’t stop hitting him. He never struck her. She freaked and called the cops and almost instantly regretted it. The charges were dropped.

From googling real quick I guess you have to ask if you believe what she told police that night or what she said later?


Yeah, there is a bit more to the story than he squeezed her wrists.

And the charges were dropped because she changed her story and didn’t want to prosecute. That made it an impossible case for the prosecutor.


Not since Yeoman that is. :grinning:

Nah, that’s not how it went down, even according to her.

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