Coaching carousel

We spend a week in Norman one afternoon . . . . . nice big campus, though . . . . .

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Oh he’s very gone isn’t he?


Guy Lewis was that rarity here.

The genius brigade that wants Keenum as FB HC. Even if he didn’t have as much $ as he does, there is always more than a reasonable chance that if he were in that position that things wouldn’t work out. Then the legacy he left untarnished would be smudged. Guaranteed losing seasons would be greeted with boos and calls for his head. If he wants to coach there are plenty of places to do that while keeping his nsme at UH unsullied.

Kellen is the next coach at UH. With all that he and his father have built, no reason to risk a bad experience at OU and ruin his anticipated return to UH. And why would a school want to hire him knowing that his UH tenure is right around the corner. Stay with the sure thing Kellen. UH in every way. Keep the continuity; the recruiting continuity. The continuity that has UH ranked #1 in the country.

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I’ve said it before that any school that hired Kellen right now would require him to sign a contract containing a very large buyout to leave. Especially given the fact Kelvin has three years left on a contract he himself said is his last.

He gone

West Virginia basketball: Mountaineers finally ready to find Bob Huggins’ permanent replacement (

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Chris Holtmann to DePaul

According to Trilly Donovan

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Why in the world would Scott Drew leave Baylor to try to resurrect a dead program in a dying conference? I’m sure he could have left Baylor for more money plenty of times in the last 2 decades, but he hasn’t. All that will come of this is Drew getting a raise at Baylor.


It will be interested to see if Drew wants a change of scenery. He has done a great job at Baylor, but due to its basketball history, Louisville is a much better job than Baylor. Louisville has been down for a while but has a much bigger fan base and the administration that wants to bring back the glory. Drew has Baylor in reload mode and maybe he wants the professional challenge of building a program again. Even though there is a lot of noise coming from the ACC, their demise is not imminent and Drew could have a good run there.

He shouldn’t do it but you are downplaying the Louisville job. It’s a top 10-15 job in college basketball. Top NIL, tradition, they fill up a huge arena when they aren’t awful, treated like a pro team since it’s the only game in town. ACC easier league than the Big 12


Rice in need of a new coach

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We’ll have to agree to disagree. Louisville does have a great tradition but they haven’t been good in a while. And because of their history, that’s the type of program that will turn on a coach if there isn’t almost immediate success. And I disagree with @JLCoog on the point of Baylor reloading. Every good program has to reload every year. Scott Drew has never had a problem getting top tier talent to come to Baylor. His job security at Baylor is such that he’d be crazy to leave that job.

EDIT: I obviously have no idea what Scott Drew wants for the rest of his career and he’s certainly earned the ability to choose what he wants. From my perspective (in my humble opinion), he’d be crazy to leave a good thing for a whole lot of uncertainty.


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@Hill Boynton was having a rough year, and he pulled a Dana.

Starts complaining about NIL mid-season. Not having enough resources to recruit.

Not gonna work dude. Good guy, but his offense needs to evolve

2019-20 they were 24-7 until covid shut everything down. They will turn if your not good but they will win easily with the right coach