Church attendance

Not sure the actual difference between the first 2 (every week and almost every week) but I’m in that 31%.

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Depending on the time of year I belong in the first 3 categories. :slightly_smiling_face:

First one for me.

I think that the trend is leaving the “established” churches to “other” ones likle Bible study, Evangelical, etc…we did.


Well this seems to indicate all religions are losing membership. Another
article shows the downward trend greatest among Catholics.

The percentage of Catholics who say they are a “member” of a church has dropped by nearly 20 points since the year 2000, according to a new report by Gallup released on Monday.

Im guessing covid got people out if the habit of going

That’s certainly a possibility, but the graphs show a trend stretching over several decades
way before covid.

I find the elbows along the graph interesting. Periods of slight increases followed by an inevitable
drop and the continuous decline trend. Should be able to correlate with significant events, but nothing really pops with me…like 9/11 , election of new pope, etc ?

I think it correlates with the rise in mega-churches and televangelists. Greed driven churches playing politics eventually turn people off. I’m in the 31% myself, complete with my college minor from a Bible fundamentalist college.

That’s a good take on it. Mainstream protestants and catholics leaving , and some percent
finding a home in the mega churches . This site, Lifeway Research, claims megachurches are
continuing to grow even now. Not really familiar with Lifeway. They reference Hartford Institue
which also seems to claim megachurches are the future with the charismatic pastor at the helm.

Lakewood here in Houston is at 45,000 members plus their televangelism reaching millions.

As with anything, it’s never one thing. Everyone is probably right. I could name other reasons too.

Too may churches now and churches are now more accepting of being a member virtually

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Yes, it comes down to how you define member. I think the Lakewood claim
of 45,000 members is believable. Still, even with the megachurches capturing
ex-traditional members , the overall long term membership trend is down.

But, but according to the content of your posts, you’re definitely one of those who is against the bible and against God.

So sayeth the self-annointed greatest of all-time in everything when citing “Two” Corinthians. So he definitely knows the bible more than anyone.

Wish Obama had said that. Remember all the concern regarding his church attendance. Maybe should should have become a member of Greater Church of 18th Hole Golf Cheaters.


The bigger the megachurch you attend, your chances increase proportionately of entering through the pearly gates. For real.

It’s the Industrial church for Industrial Age sin.


The explosion of megachurches perfectly captures the diminution of Christianity by the syncretism of the faith with capitalism and modern American culture.


One of the reasons that people join mega churches is that they don’t want to be accountable for the way they live thir their life. No one really knows them or lives near them, so if they want to act differently outside of church than what the church teaches, people they go to church with are less likely to know.

Only if one idolizes that guy or thinks he’s a proxy for God.

I’m sure there is something to that. That said, there are opportunities to connect to others in those churches through Sunday school, small groups, home groups, etc. They usually have robust offerings in that space.