Church attendance

Sir, he’s the greatest proxy for God of all time.

Don’t stand next to me.

I’m not gonna get banned. :slight_smile:

I attend church every week unless I am out of town on vacation or some weekend event like a UH game or such. I taught adult Sunday School for about 25 years. I would tell the class often that I disagreed with certain dogma and interpretations of the particular study we were doing at the time, but no one seemed to mind, some just thought I was wrong, others agreed with my take. Fortunately, I belong to the United Methodist Church where we don’t have to check our brains at the door and disagreement is OK.


Got a friend that switched over to Methodist and I was impressed with how
critical thinking is valued in their approach. The four tenets or something …
the terminology escapes now. But what I learned about them was neat.

I’m sure you’re aware we are about to undergo a massive split. Twenty of the 50 churches in my district have already begun the discernment process

Oh yeah, some of our churches are bent on splitting because over the issue of homosexuality. They are stuck in the 1800s.

I think they are stuck in the Bible…

Our Church runs 3 services each Sunday and total attendance averages 3,800.

We have at least 250 members active in our Age 55+ group. We meet monthly and also have regular social events that are at very low cost.

Yep, stuck on the truth.

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Appears at least a couple of posters interpret the greatest commandment to be love your white nationalist neighbor

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Without getting into a debate over the bible, I will just say some take it literally as every word is to be taken as the word of God written as he dictated to the various writers. I am not one of those, there are just too many direct contradictions. But, I respect those who do take it as such.


I’d like to see a graph of the violent crime rate beside it.

Don’t you people understand, Man creates God in his own image.


That has something to do with it. I would also suggest that the popes that have followed pope John Paul II have been out of touch and weak leaders.

Speaking about “out of touch”, less than 10% of Americans favor complete bans on abortion. The vast majority favor abortions with some limitations

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I am one of those. Health of the mother, rape, incest. But not birth control.

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I think most of us pro life advocates would agree on that point jfournet.

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Yep most GOP candidates have expressed this opinion.

Eartha Kitt, Nell Carter, Faith Daniels & Jesse Jackson would like a word…