Can we beat Texas?

Yeah…no. Sark didnt forget what Dana said.

Anything is possible I guess.


…what did dana say?

Think he said screw A&M and UT, we don’t need them or something like that but that isn’t bad bc screw them so Dana is right. It’s not up there with remarks that really motivate teams so it’s a stretch.

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We need Smith to stay hot and for the lines to step up and prevent/get pressure towards the QB.

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Word has come down from on high at Texas to beat us like a drum. We have been yapping for years, now they are going to take it to us.

Yep wrong coach, wrong time. Opportunity missed.


I’m flying in for this one!

Let’s go Coogs.

We want Texas. We want Texas.


Anything is possible. They will have had 14 days. This is quite a bit of time to be talking trash. We have nine days to our game. For us this is plenty of time to get better in all aspect of our team. Let see how we improve on fundamentals. Let see how inventive Belk and CDH can be.

Dana basically said screw them because it was those two schools that conspired to keep us out of the Big 12 all these years.


He was 100% correct.
We all know that history repeats itself.


If we had at least an average OL there maybe a shot. There DL is one of the best in the nation. We used all our magic yesterday

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Not a chance!!

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I love it when someone says that.
You know why?
Because every single player stepping on that field knows they have a chance to win if they give their all.
Will, shear will moves even the biggest hurdles in front of anyone.


Tall order against that bunch. I ain’t throwin in the towel but from what I’ve seen this year that’s a tough one.

Remember what Tony said:

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Sure we can.

You’re only as good as you are on any given week.

I remember in 1987 we came into the UT game with only one unimpressive win: a 38-34 come from
Behind win against then lower division Sam Houston. We had gone 1-10 the year before.

UT was heavily favored of course, and dominated early, taking a 23-7 lead.

That game ended up being a 60-40 UH victory; still one of my all-time favorite UH wins!

I am hoping for a repeat in 2023.



I think we got better. We should be able to hold our own. They’re not perfect and we have some speed too. Our QB beat Texas last season. He won’t be intimidated at all.

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Thanks for the hopium. That 87 Coogs team had lost to some nobodies, too, including Wyoming and a bad TCU team the prior week.

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Reading some of you we should forfeit the game. What kind of macaroni is this?

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I was at the bowl game in Fort Worth when Army hung a number on us. It can’t get too much worse than that, can it? (What is our worse loss in our FB history?)

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