Brian Early

I saw TCU lost on of their top recruiters to Alabama

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ND was a stepping stone, HC went to LSU, everybody’s a stepping stone if the money and situation is right


soon as ND joins the B1G, they will no longer be a stepping stone.

Unless you count going from college to NFL as a stepping stone career path

ND ain’t never joining the B1G. Print it!

Oh no! This is not good news. I’ll ask Derek is he knows anything. He still trains at the UH facility but hasn’t seen Coach E, says he’s out recruiting.


if or once the ACC disbands, they will be forced to join the B1G

There won’t be any conference for them to remain an independent. Both the B1G and SEC’s schedules by that point will be way too saturated to make room for Notre Dame anually. ND will not form a partnership with the Big 12 either due to the same reasoning but also because the Big 12 just isn’t an academic conference

Uh huh ok
if you say so

Notre Dame is literally 50% of the reason why the ACC is still a conference, and they aren’t even a full member lol

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They moved me 4 times
from the window where i could see the squirrel’s
this is the last straw.


Still will be stepping stone for someone, P2 don’t guarantee anything

We need to stop viewing coaches at fitting into one of two categories
lifers or stepping stone.

We need to start viewing coaches as plug and play that fit INTO OUR ALIGNED PROGRAM.

If we are expecting the coach to do ALL of the alignment
we are dead in the water.

The coach should fit into our culture the same way as a player that fits into our culture.


Yeah, the two participants in the last CFP final got their Head Coach poached this year. Nobody is safe.


Early just sent a “thank you Houston” tweet so that makes it official.

Yeah out recruiting for himself for a new job lol


Stepping stone or not, all coaches need a new challenge, especially position coaches, where you can get nice salary increases by moving. Moving also exposes you to different systems and increases your coaching network.

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on company time. :slight_smile:

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Sorry Jess ,
Just trying to get TM’s attention because I know she might know something through her son.I think most of us want to know what happened.




Not a problem Glenn. I figured you were just trying to use my post as info for her to respond on.

Edit: hopefully Coach Fritz can find a replacement. Go steal someone from another team like Mizzou just did.