Big 12 / SEC / B10 Expansion Thread (Part 2)

Cant wait for the coogs to miss out on the “Power 2” conferences in 10 years

That article says that AT LEAST seven want out, with four forming a block to the SEC.

If 7 want out, including four to the SEC and three to the other Power Conferences, then it’s OVER for the ACC.

They lose all their blue bloods and most of their media value.

Anyone they add at that point would be a low value G5 or non-worthy PAC2 which will NOT give them the money they need to get a “power” conference level TV deal in the future.

At that point….SMU’s fat cat sugar daddies will have officially purchased….a LEMON!!!

Hey listen.

This may not happen at all. I have to wonder what legal “end run” can be made around that GOR.

But if one does exist and seven teams including the names mentioned take it….then the ACC can officially kiss its power money good bye!

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18-7 = 11

That was the whole reason behind expanding…to prevent the conference from dissolving before 2036!

Those 11 will be paid a boat load of $$$

First of all, it says AT LEAST seven.

More could follow.

Also…remember, under 14, and ESPN is allowed to re-negotiate its TV contract.

Even with only 11, including NONE of its blue bloods…that re-negotiation will be MUCH lower.

Possibly not even Power Conference worthy.

We’ll see.


just like the Big 12 negotiation…with NO Blue Bloods…right?

Unlike the Big 12…there are no valuable P5 worthy G5 football programs left available to rebuild value. We’ve been through this already.

Just two unworthy PAC schools, and several sucky/miniscule teams like UConn, USF, Rice, Toolame, etc.

If you think that the ACC is going to get anything close to a good TV deal by adding those teams, and after losing at least their seven biggest brands…then you seriously need to think again.

The G5 teams that were P5 valuable have already been taken by the Big 12.

None remain.

If this is true…and seven or more of their biggest brands depart…then the ACC is SCREWED!!!

And SMU is completely DUPED!!!

Its nice of Law to offer an alternative for the poor thinking: “think again.”

Tulane just beat USC in a NY6 Bowl and a re a former SEC school

USF nearly took down Bama and are in the process of constructing a new on campus Stadium

UCONN just won a NC, is a state flagship and was just recently vetted by a Power Conference (Big 12)

…now give them 5-10 years to grow even more!

They have quality options.

Toolame is an all-time sub-500 program with few winning seasons in recent decades, a miniscule fan base, miniscule facilities, miniscule attendance, and a crappy brand. One hit wonder at best. WON’T add value.

USF has never had a ranked finish or conference title. That stadium they propose is only 35K. And they’ll have trouble filling it. WON’T add value.

UConn, one of the suckiest brands in FBS college football, all-time sub 500 program, and remember, and for the GAZILLIONTH time…BASKETBALL DOES NOT DRIVE THIS!!! WON’T add value.

If you think that those are “quality” options that will help them regain TV value after the loss of at least seven of their biggest football brands…TV value that is driven primarily by FOOTBALL BRAND SIZE (with those three options having among the smallest out there)…then once again: THINK AGAIN!!!

I’m not buying UVA going to the SEC. I just don’t see the value added.

I see Clemson or UNC, less so Florida State since they already have that region covered with U of Florida.

I don’t see how UVA just thinks that have a secure spot in the SEC.

Florida State’s brand size and TV value will be too big to say no to.

The SEC thought it had TX covered with aTm. Guess what…adding UT was a DOUBLE WHAMMY!!!

Same for adding FSU with UF.

Yeah you are probably right.

Not sure how eager the B1G is to tap a southern market like Forida considering they went all the way out west

In the age of streaming, I think markets are less important than they’ve ever been. We’ve circled all the way back around to it being about how many fans a team has (regardless of where they’re located) and how many people want to watch them and buy the products advertised on their broadcasts. Getting regional cable carriage fees for your conference network is a lot less important now.

All of that to say, two schools in Florida or South Carolina isn’t an issue anymore, as long as they both have sizable fanbases.

I think streaming is the future for sure, but I don’t think college football is ready for that yet. That’s partially why the Apple streaming deal with the PAC fell through. It’s a genius idea, but the timing just isn’t right for it yet.

Streaming is perfect for the NFL. College football is complicated because market location does matter in the sense that there aren’t very many people in Houston who are going to watch a Nebraska game unless it’s against a Texas opponent.

Put it this way - Fantasy Football (NFL) is a close to $20 billion value

An all-streaming setup isn’t feasible, which is why the Pac-12 deal failed, but with the prevalence of cord cutting, you can’t force a bunch of people in NY/NJ to pay for your channel just because Rutgers is in your conference either, which is why it matters that you actually attract viewers. I don’t expect anyone to get added to a major conference again just based on raw market potential.

Who’s going to watch Oregon State vs Colorado (pre-Prime)???

Here’s the thing.

Look at Rutgers. That’s a historically LOSING program.

It is thought that they were added to the B1G purely for the NYC market.

Let’s assume that’s true.

The thing that people don’t realize…is that they may be a bigger brand than many imagine.

They pack a 52K seat stadium at home games. That’s something that several other B1G programs can’t claim.

They may have a bigger fan base and may be a bigger brand (if not a better brand) than people think, given that. In the end, college football is a monetocracy not a meritocracy, and because of that, as long as a brand is BIG enough…even if it isn’t GOOD enough…it’ll likely still have a place at the table.

I think he’s merely referring to a streaming application

Sure, Rutgers gets butts in seats, but who outside of alums and diehard B1G fans are going to pay a streaming fee to watch Rutgers

God only knows how many people in NY/NJ will.

That may not be an insignificant number.

You forgot Memphis. Memphis will tell you they will make the ACC whole just by their little loneomes. :wink: