Big 12 / SEC / B10 Expansion Thread (Part 2)

It’s possible, but I just don’t see it. The only think GK could have up his sleeve is all these layoffs and the strikes with the SAG and writers is that content may dry up by mid-2024 and then the PAC looks appealing. But that is such a long shot.

Also, the Big 12 can make a friendly GOR with OUW if they wanted and OUW would get more money, and again, they would have better exposure in multiple time slots and on better linear options.

My long term thoughts are very different that making decisions based upon what is happening now. 16 is unwieldy and can cause problems which is why I think a different than traditional approach is necessary to make it work.

As far as ego, if they are expected to be guest then I think that is different than expecting them to be long term members. Limit their voting rights then. It can also be a humbling experience if the B1G does not come calling in the next several years and they become fully in the Big 12 with full exit fees. Making them sign a full gor would not limit their belief of being the best team in the conference and another Texas. That will happen with with signing a full gor anyway makes no difference, they will still think they are top dogs (Heck, even many Colorado fans are expecting to be top dogs in the Big 12.). Plus, BYU is already in the conference so the UT prima donna has already been replaced.

Am I missing something? If the pac drops to 6 and no teams can join until 2025 because of MWC or AAC buyouts, how do they continue as a conference in 2024, both from a tv revenue and NCAA perspective?


Come on.

BYU ain’t no UT.

Not even close.


I’m sure there is a long list of G5 schools that wouldn’t mind.


This is kinda what I thought too and haven’t really seen details discussed. I’ve heard $34M for MWC which would seem prohibitive but what is AAC early departure penalty? I assume basically only SMU could/would pay whatever the AAC penalty is. I think GK is betting on adding SMU for 2024 and hoping for no more defections. Tv deal would be partial for 2024 and go full effect for 2025 when others could join. That is what looks kinda realistic. I think AAC is $10M if you give 27 month notice but negotiated higher if you leave with less time?..

I don’t know it’s all very ugly and honestly the PAC is short on time to try to figure it out and have teams invited figure out exits. I’m sure media partners would rather not put a bunch of clauses in there based on who is brought it. Etc… Teams negotiating AAC and MWC buyouts…. the number of teams also affects the number of games you can offer up. It’s honestly a huge shi show now that I really think more about it.

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You may be right there.

But that wouldn’t make them a better conference.

I’m a firm believer that the four G5s that truly deserved to be P5 joined the Big 12.

Any others will dilute ACC value, not enhance it.

NO extant P5 is going to sign up for that.


Yeah I did some personal research on the numbers a few years ago when the Big 12 was looking to add the first time and I looked at a bunch of different factors like attendance, location, athletic success, academics, momentum, etc and crunched them in some weighted equations I came up with and the Big 12 hit the nail on the thread with all the adds they made (UH, Cincy, BYU, UCF were the best 4 “free agents”). Surprisingly about 5-10 years ago, USF was right there with the other 4 but their arrow was putting down (and still is) and everyone else took steps to point their arrows up. BTW, Memphis really never measured up if you looked at the numbers. :wink:

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Correct, let UTA hatred not cloud our judgement. UTA is one of the premier state flagship university in the country. There are less then 5 public universities that can match its stature.

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Hands down more ding dongs tattoo a longhorn on their body than any other logo, i’m not saying thats saying much

A MWC school person had posted that Boise, SDSU and Fresno State had done more than SMU and deserved to be considered more than SMU. I do understand that brand, location, population, commitment to putting a competitive product on the field, etc… are major factors so don’t try to 'splain to me that record isn’t the determining factor, I know. That being said, I was thinking to myself, SMU has probably done as much as Fresno or maybe San Diego State so I took a look.

IMO Boise is eons ahead of SMU in brand. Its stupid of the PAC to not have offered them. They don’t replace USC but they’re mortar in wall.

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I like Boise but they seem to have a limited ceiling and many talking heads seem to think they may have missed their moment. I always wished we could have been in a conference with them in the past.

BYU was willing to play us at TDECU, UT was not willing to play us here or there.

I don’t know how many Mormons there are in America, but I do know there are many all over the country. BYU has that as for national appeal. The B12 gives them deeper interest in the footprints of its various members.

On the other hand, UT has garnered the ire of many; why do you think aTm, CU, Nebraska, and Mizzou left the B12 in the first place? And let’s not forget Arkansas - any Hog fan alive during SWC days hates UT with a purple passion.

Oh yeah, my nieces father-in-law was the president of the Houston ND alumni chapter and told me that the ND administration doesn’t trust the UT administration because their dealings with UT indicated UT was underhanded and not one they wanted to deal with.


I heard the size of the market/town size is what prevented them from going Big 12 or Pac 10 back in the day, when TCU got in

They’re as good as we are in football. And their gear sells in every market. And gear sales are the preeminent indicator of brand strength.

I’m trying to think of a time where I saw someone in Boise gear except for the times I was in Boise (3x)

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Yep, UT Arlington is one of the flagship U’s in the country.

If the Big Ten is truly not interested in Oregon, going to the Big 12 might be the only play left to make because staying in the PAC-12 could be a death sentence.

