Big 12 / SEC / B10 Expansion Thread (Part 2)

My realistic wish list now:
Washington, Arizona, Oregon

My somewhat realistic wish list later (after B1G and SEC get their preferred picks)
FSU, Pitt, Louisville, Virginia Tech

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When there was talk on our boards about UH going to the PAC-12, I was dead set against it. I could see late kickoffs/tipoffs. It would have been like a glorified WAC when SMU, Rice, and TCU were part of that conference.

We are blessed it never happened.


Why is anyone putting Wazzu on their list of expansion candidates? They are a radioactive dumpster fire right now between the staff revolt of the the athletic department shortfalls and the Nick Rolovich lawsuit.


Wazzu = Washington State. Not University of Washington.

if we can land Oregon im popping bottles tonight. bottles being plural.

that would be THE get.

was kinda hoping for another add today tho so this needs to happen quickly, swiftly.


It won’t be tonight, and it won’t be Oregon first. It’ll be Arizona first.

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you think if BY has Oregon and AZ wanting in, he’s picking AZ first?

or you’re saying AZ is already blowing up the phones and has all their $hit in their sock?

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If it’s only one school, and either Oregon or Washington are interested, it should be one of them, because those are the biggest football brands, not Zona.

Oregon might be more realistic simply because I see them as being the less likely of those two to bolt for the B1G later.

Weaker academics.

GOR will make any new teams think twice about bolting for greener pastures, not to say it will stop them, but it will slow them down

Oregon or UW would make us a coast to coast conference which is where this is all headed anyway (thanks B1G) and are also the biggest names “available”.

ready for the next domino(s) to fall.

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At this point, it doesn’t really matter who goes first because everyone knows that the priority is Oregon, Washington and Arizona.

The only reason Oregon and Washington haven’t jumped is because they’re hoping for 2 miracles:

  1. GK somehow pulls a deal for the PAC
  2. B1G somehow extends an invite

Both of which are EXTREMELY unlikely. Oregon and Washington know that they have a home no matter what. Arizona has no other option.

All 3 are going to stretch their decision until there’s no other choice, but yes I predict Arizona announces first.

It’s possible that Oregon and Washington are going to ask Yormark for special treatment (i.e. no exit fee or an extremely cheap exit fee without a GOR)

Believe it or not, the biggest factor that is kinda screwing the entire college athletics landscape is Notre Dame. And behind that at a close second is the ACC GOR.

  1. Notre Dame
  2. God awful ACC 2036 GOR

Those are the 2 things that screw everything. The B1G wants Notre Dame. Florida State and Clemson want to be in the SEC.

Both the B1G and the SEC have to figure out how that’s all going to play out too which is why the B1G is so reluctant to expand right now.

Oregon and Washington want to be in the B1G, but unfortunately the PAC put them in a bad situation. The Big 12 most likely wants Oregon and Washington to commit to this conference if they want an invite, which means high exit fee and a GOR.

You know what he going to tell them? No! But Hell No!

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Another dream scenario: Arizona joins the B12 and Oregon and Washington come as a package deal.

You can give the PAC its last rites.

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Won’t work that way because Arizona knows their ceiling and what their value is. They aren’t gunning for the B1G, and they don’t fit in the SEC.

Personally, I don’t think Oregon or Washington really fit the B1G when it’s all said and done (Washington maybe has a slight higher chance), but ultimately both schools think that’s where they’ll end up whether it’s 2030 or sooner.

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7 years at $115 million per of potential PAC TV $.

TA dished out
now he has 2 take it.

“How bold? Here’s one option to seriously consider: Gonzaga.”
Wilmer also mentions UH 2 Pac in 2021.

Less fantasy in the Hobbit than their podcast today.

All that NIKE $ into Oregon sports 2 B on CW a bad investment for them.

Altimore is Swaim in drag.


You think Oregon and Washington, both of which play in the least-watched time zone, want to further get less exposure on CW?

He’s crazy.

Oregon and Washington want linear exposure with ESPN/Fox which is what the Big 12 provides.

The PAC is dead. No deal is going to be worth adding G5 schools because the MWC just extended their GOR with $30m exit fees.

The PAC is a dead conference. Either they merge with MWC or they cease to exist.

Panic has been sitting in the Pac for weeks now. Too late to close that door.
There needs to be one of 2 decisions made. (Really Quick. The days of deadlines that include summer or fall or August/September are past.)

  1. Take the media deal on the PAC table (if there is one on the table).
  2. OR each PAC team needs to make a decision for themselves before the doors of whatever realignment options they think they have are closed.
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Haven’t considered a merger between the PAC and MWC. Would that nullify their P5 status?